Cartoonkes bbie Brown 8

Cartoonkes bbie Brown 8

Modo! lho snout then stick it in positton, holding for a Iow momcnts unttl SCCurc.


has been completely remcved. Pick the cake up and place it on the cake board, towards (he back. if the surface of the sugarpaste is uneven. rub gentiy in a circular motion using a cake smoothe?

Rei! 22g (%oz) of the pale yełow sugarpaste into a sausage. tapering ii at either end and bending it round Fiatten it slightly and then linę it up $o that the bottom >s in the centre of Cow. Stick it in ptace using a litUe sugar glue Model a flattened circle us:ng another 30g (loz) of the pale yellow and strck this onto the base of Cow at the front. Model iwo morę flattened circles using another 15g ('/.oz) and stick these either s:de.

Colour 200g (6v.oz) of the sugarpaste pale p-nk. Using the temptate (see p.93) and 75g (27.oz) of the pastę, thickiy roli out and cut the snout shape. Smooth around it to remcr/e any ndges. Indent two nostnts. one longer than the other. using your finger. Mark holes at the bottom with a cocktail Stick (toothpick). Stick the snout n place, holding until it is secure

Position tho puplls so Cow and Chickon aro looking at ono anothcr.




For the top of the snout. split 7g (7>oz) of the pale yellow sugarpaste into two pieces. one larger than the other. Model sausages that taper at each end and use them to edge the top of the snout Smooth in at the stdes to remove the ;oms

Using white mcdetiing pastę, make two eyes, one slghtly larger than the other. and edge the top of each with pale yellow sausages that taper at each end. For teeth. model six tiny flattened balis of white mcdelling pastę and stick these in place either s;de of the snout.

To make Cows arms. split '5g (..oz) of the pale Um yellow sugarpaste in half. Model Icng teardrop shapes and stick these onto the side of Cow. smooth ng them in at the top to rernove the jem.

Model a tiny teardrop for the end of each and roli a thin sausage for a curl on the centre.

With 7g ('/.oz) of the pale yellow pastę make her taił. Split another I5g ( /.oz) in haif and model two teardrop shapes for Cows legs. Stick these in positson. pressing the rounded end fiat. and add a littie curl madę from thmly roiled sausage shapes as you did for the arms.

Usc lho tcmplate to cuł out tho Iwo patchcs for Cow's b.ick


Colour 30g (1oz) of the modelling pastę brown. Using the tempiate (see p.93) thinly roli out and cut two patches for Cow s back Smooth around the cut edge of each one to soften it. and then stick it in place with a littie sugar glue. Model two smali horns for the top of her head and four tiny teardrcps for the end of her taił out of brown tnmrnngs. Colour 7g ('/.oz) of the sugarpaste dark pink and shape mto flattened ovals to fili each nostm with.


To make Cow's ears. first colour i5g (’.toz) of the modelling pastę pale yellow. Split this in half and roli them into long teardrop shapes. Press each




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