Usc dark green sugarpaste to covor Ute train. Trim tho baso to rovoal tho black strip ot tho bottom.
5Thinły roi! ouł 30g <1oz) of the black sugarpaste and cul a strip measunng 35 x 2.5cm <14 x 1in). Dust it with icing (confectioner’s) sugar and then rot! it up. Position it agamst the base of tho train and then unroll the strip aroond the base. Tnm any excess away from me join and smoeth it ciosed using a httle icing (confectioner‘s) sugar on your fingers
ÓThmty roli out the remaming black sugarpaste and usc it to cover both srdes of the tram at the door and wmdow area onły. Position the train cake towards the front of the cake board. secunng it with a httle sugar giue
7Coiour 575g (iib 2 /;oz) of the sugarpaste dark green using green food colounng pasie svith a touch of black RoH out half and cover the tra n. smoothing down and around the shape Trim around the base to revea! the black strip.
8With the square cutter. cut out the wmdow and door area on both sides of the tram to reveal the black covenng underneath. Cut out two circtes for the Windows at the front of the tram using the end of the plam piping tubÄ™ (tip) and remove the sugarpaste
Colour lOOg (3'/.oz) of the modeiimg pastÄ™ black To make wheels for the train. split 60g (2oz) of it into 16 pieces. Roli each piece into a bali. press it fiat and then indent it in the centre using the circle cutters Thmly roli out a pea sized amount of the black pastÄ™ and cut two circies to fili the Windows on the front of the tram.
For the dynamite. colour lOOg (3V:oz) of the modelling pastÄ™ red. Pul aside a pea-sized piece for later. then roli the remainder mio thin sausages and cut them evcnly. Indent into the end of each using a cocktail stick (toothpick) to make a hole for the fuse to slot in. With minutÄ™ sausages of black modeiimg pastÄ™, make fuses for about a th:rd of the dynamite. stick them in place and then pul all the dynamite aside to dry.
To make the engine. roli 90g (3oz) of the dark green sugarpaste into a sausage measunng 6cm (2'fiin) in length and then stick this piece onto the tran Split I5g ('Aoz) of the dark green pastÄ™ into three pieces. Roli one piece into a bali and press this fiat. Indent it in the centre using the smaler circle cutter and stick this onto the front ot the train Roli the remaming two pieces mto sausage shapes and indent into the front of each with the tip of the plain piping tubÄ™.
Roli out 45g (1'/jOz) of ihe dark green pastę and cut a 6cm {2’&n) square for the top of the engine. Using 6Qg (2oz), cut another square measunng 7.5cm (3m) and use th>s to create the roof. smoothing it at eilher side to make it curve downwards. With the remaming dark green. rofl out and cut stnps to add detail to the tram. The strips around the engine are mdented with the tip of the plam piping tubę Cut thicker strips for steps. For the gnlte. cut graduatmg strips. Stick these onto the front of the tram. supported in the centre with a piece of foam sponge to hołd it outwards Finish with two stnps edging the bottom