another thm sausage and spkal it upward into a bun to create the top. Stick the head in place and then hołd for a few moments untii it is secure.
Model white balis of modelling pasie and stick ihese in a circlc around her neck. Make one hand with a pea-sized amount of the pale flesh-coloured pasie as for Betty’s. Model a ball-shaped nose and two ovai-shaped eyes.
Model Barneys head in the same way as Freds. using 15g (Y.oz) of the pale flesh-coloured modelling pastÄ™ Make the stubbie in the same way. bot cut a straight linÄ™ across the top of it. For his mouth. stick on a flattened circle of deep flesh-coloured pastÄ™ and then smooth into the top to remctve the [om. Ieaving a semicircle for his smile. Indent in each corner using the piping tubÄ™ pressed in at an angle. Make his nose and ears as Fred's.
Hero aro Ihn components for Barnoy. Ho is madÄ™ in a similar way to Fred.
Stick Barney‘$ head at a window. holding him for a few moments untii secure. Then colour 7g (Y.oz) of the modelling pastę dark golden brown. Using the template (see p.93) cut out Barney‘s costume and wrap it around the bottom of his head. lucking the ends around the back.
Resen/e the trimmings for later. Colour 7g ('/oz) of the modelling pastÄ™ pale yeflow and make his hair, With pea-sized amounts of pale flesh-co'cured pastÄ™, make two hands following the components ptcture as a guide (see top. right) and stick these on the window tedge
Fcr Pebbles' head. roli jusi under 7g ('Aoz) of the pale flesh-coloured modelling pastÄ™ into a bali and indent the eye area by rolling gentfy with the paintbrush handle. Push in a cocktail stick underneath to make a hole for the sugar stick or length of raw. dried spaghetti to slot into later.
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Um Presente da Mariza
Fotlow Hus step-by-stop guide to mÄ…ko Pobbtcs. ensuring hor foot aro turncd outwards slightly.
With one quarter of the remaining turqua$e modelling pastę, make Pebbtes' kmekers. Roił a smali sausage and pinch at either end. pushing your thumb each side to hollow it out slightly. Stroke a smali curve mto the top and stick in a pea-sized oval of pale flesh for her tummy. indenting her betly button with the tip of a cocktail stick To make her legs. use pea-sized amounts of the pale flesh-coloured pastę Roli a smali sausage. rounding off one end. Bend and pinch out a heel. Press either side of the foot to lengthen and mark toes with a kmfe. Make the opposite leg and stick them both into her kmekers with each foot turned outwards.
For her top. shape the remaining green modelling pastÄ™ mto a teardrop and hollow out the fuli end by pinchtng an edge. Press down onto the point with the pamtbrush handle to create the neck area. Stick this onto her body.
For her arms. spiit a pea-sized amount of pale flesh-coloured m half and model as before. keepmg the arms short and chiidlike. Stick a minutÄ™ piece of pale pastÄ™ to fili her neck area Push a sugar stick down through her body leaving 1.5cm ('Ain) protrudmg Push her head on and secure with glue.
Push Pebbles' top up slightly at the front to roveal her tummy.