CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 5

CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 5

Here aro all the pieces that aro needed to make Fred.

When you make Fred's neck tie. tit It togethnr with a smali knot in the middte

deeper ftesh cofour For Ns body. roli 30g (1oz) of the pale flesh-coloured pastÄ™ into a teardrop shape and cut a V from the point to shape his neck

Split 7g (’£oz) of the pale flesh-cofoured pastÄ™ in half To make a leg. roli one half into a thick sausage and bend it m half. Pinch gently at the bend to shape a heel and indent around the ankie to narrow and round off the top of the leg. Press down on the toe area and cut twsce to separate the toes.

Pinch each toe gently to round off and press the end of a pamtbrush into the big toe to mark the nail. Make the opposite leg in exactly the same way. Then stick the two legs together. makmg surÄ™ that the fcct turn out. and stick them into position on the body.

Thmly roli out 15g ('/.oz) of the orange modellmg pastÄ™ and cut out Fred's coslume usmg the tempiate (see p 93). Wrap this around h<s body to cover it completeÅ‚y. luckmg the excess around the back. For h«s head. model a rounded teardrop shape usmg 15g ('hoz) of the pale fiesh-cotoured modeÅ‚ling pastÄ™ Cut off the rounded point of the teardrop to make a fiat area for his hair Rub the edge to round it off. then stick it onto his body Smooth the chin area down to fit the v'-shaped necklme.

MUsmg a pea-sized amount of the turquoise modellmg pastÄ™, th-nty roli out and cut his neck ue usmg the tempiate (see p.93). Stick this m place with a smali knot jommg the pieces. Use 7g (’Aoz) of the fiesh-cotoured modellmg pastÄ™ Split in half to make his arms. Roli into sausage shapes and pmch gently to round off one end of each. See pp.9-10 for how to make hands. but keep the fmgers shorter. Stick m place v/ith the palms turning backwards

For Fred's stubble. model a flattened diamond shape usmg just over half of the darker fiesh-cotoured modellmg pastÄ™ and stick this onto his face. Press the fiat part of a dinner knife centrally into the surface to mark his smile and then indent dimpies onto the stubble area with the tip of the pi ping tubÄ™ pressed in at an angle.

Stick on two flattened circies of white for eyes, each with a bÅ‚ack pupil Model a teardrop-shaped nose and two tiny ball-shaped ears. ptnching each ear to a point Model black teardrops for his hair that graduate in size. When his hair is in place, model a tiny sausage of black and stick this cnio his parting. Push into the centre to indem and make both ends stick up. Model four triangular shapes for his coslume


UColour 7g (7.oz) of the modełling pastę

deep pmk. Usmg a tiny amount. model Dinos ovai-shaped eyes and hollow them in the centre with the end of a pamtbrush. Fili eacn with white eyes and black pupils and set them aside Wth the rest of the deep


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