3. Pig Iron production.
■ Pig iron (surówka): 93% of ferrous + 7% admixtures.
■ Cast iron: pig iron remelted with steal strap (złom).
a Steel: deoxidized pig iron.
a Iron ore used in pig iron production process:
✓ Magnetyt Fe304 (72.4 % Fe)
✓ Hematyt Fe203 (52-66% Fe)
✓ Limonit 2Fe203H20 (53% Fe)
✓ Syderyt FeC03 (25-42% Fe)
a Blast fumace charge: iron ore. coke, f1ux (topniki) and hot air delivered by Cowper Stones (nagrzewnice Cowpera).
a Iron blast fumace: 30-40 m high shell steal structure with changing diameter. The thickness of intemal chamotte brick fumace lining (wymurówki) is about 50-90 cm.