forthe pastof the Present Progress* ve
State merit
to saythatsomeone was inthe rriddle of doing somethingata oertaintime in the pąsł
to show that an adion in the past went on fora longer period oftime orwas repeated
Thistime lastweek Iwas wortong onthe
to showthattwo actions were going on atthe same ti me inthe past
VXIiile we were hayng a meeting Jąne was Inishingthe report.
foran adion that was intemjpted byanother adion inthe oast
bythetime + Present Sirrple (in foture time dause)
atthistime + point oftime in foture
when + Past Sirrple (jn foture time dause)
Iwas wortong...
You were wortong...
f* 4 o'dod< Mesterday atemoon Iwas preparing fora meeting.
When John arriMed we were hayng a meeting.
Iwas wortong on thąt report all atemoon.
Vltfe were wortong...
Subjed+ past of'to be"+-ing form of terb
I-te was “wortong...
Wferethey 'wortong...? Wferewe
Pastquestion of Ihelping terb:'to |be"+subjed+-ing form of terb
wortong..? wortong-?
Wfe were not '(weren’t) wortong...
You were not 1'werent'i wortong... Theywere not (werent 1 wortong ...
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