OUT-OF-STATE TRIPS:    I recommend approvai of the foliowing out-of-state trips,

expenses to be paid as indicated;

1.    Mr. Joe W. Neal, Di.rector, International Office and Lecturer in Government, January 17-2^, 1959, to San Juan, Puerto Rico, New York City, and Washington,

D. C., to raeet and escort partie!panta in Chilean Student Leaders Serainar,

expenses to be paid from grant-in-aid from U, 3.Goverament for the Chilean program; January 28-31, 1959, to Washington, D. C., to attend the Third National Conference on International Exchange of Persona and for conferences about progrsms at the University, expenses to be paid from International Office, Maintenance, Eąuipment and Travel account; and February 16-21, 1959,. to Washington, D. C. to attend liaison meeting with International Cooperation Administration, and to San Francisco, California, to participate in Chilean Student Leaders Semin&r, a portion of the expenses to be paid by the U. S. Govemment and the remaining from the Chilean program,

2.    Mr. T. N. Campbell, Professor, and Messrs. T. W. McKern and William Madaen, Assistant Professors, all of the Department of Anthropology, February 26-March 1, I959, to Monterrey, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, to participate in the Conference on Cross-cultural Research sponsored by The Hogg Foundation for Mentol Health, expenses to be paid from funds of the Hogg Foundation.

3.    Mr. Edward Mott Davis, Research Scientist IV, Research in Anthropology, and Lecturer in Anthropology, March łł-11, 1959, to New York City to attend ceremony of presentation of Viking Fund Medals and Awards for Anthropology, transportation to be paid from Vice-Presidentłs Varioua Donors - Various Purposes account.

1*. Mr. Leon 0. Morgan, Associate Professor of Chemistry, October 19-22, 1959* to Ponca City, Oklahoma, to con9ult with architect for addition to Chemistry Building, expenses to be paid from Account No. 90955 - Addition to Chemistry Building.

5- Mr. Eastin Nelson, Acting Director, Institute of Latin-American Studies,

January 15-18, 1959, to Washington, D. C., to attend the Round Table Conference on Latin America called by the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs and the Public Services Diviaion of the Department of State, expenses to be paid from travel funds of the Institute.

6, Mr. Joe W. Neal, Director, International Office, and Lecturer in Oovernment, January 8-10, 1959, to Monterrey Mexico, to consult with administration and faculty of Instituto Tecnologico of Monterrey on exchange of professors and students, expenses to be paid from Account No. ^9990 - Yarious Governmental Agencies -Seryicee to Foreign Students Under Contract Agreeaents.

7- Mr. Robert Alton Sibley, Programraer-Analyst for the Computation Center,

February 2-5, 1959, to Cleveland, Ohio, to attend meeting of the Midwestern Un±versity Computer Users Organization, expenses to be paid from funds of the Computation Center.

8.    Mr. William Thomas Guy, Jr., Associate Professor of Mathematics, January 20-23, 1959, to Philadelphla, Penn6ylvania, to attend the annual meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, expenses to be paid from National Science Foundation Academic Institute Account.

9.    Mr. Claude W. Horton, Professor of Physics and Research Scientist,

Defense Research Laboratory, January 25-28, 1959, to Washington, D. C., on technical matters pretaining to research. expenaes to be paid from contract funds.

10.    Mr. Harold P, Hanson, Associate Professor of Physics, January 25-February 5, 1959, to New York City and Columbus, Ohio, to attend the meeting of the American Physical Society and to \risit univeraities to discuas reaearch problems, expenese to be paid from Welch Foundation grant.

11.    Mr. Bernard Bruno Kinsey, Professor of Physics, February 1*12, 1959to 3ea Island, Georgia, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee, on various research matters, and to Ames, Iowa, to give a lecture and discuss machines, transportation expenses to be paid from Nuclear Reactor Development Project.


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