plaoea aituated in the territory of the Folish RepubLio. i'his ma t ter is to be oonuidered all tbe morę important sińce it hao been discusoed several timea by represont-ativea of tbe Poliab Radio and tbe B.B.C. A promise was given that this atti budo would not bo m&intained in tbe futurę, in spite ot whioh, however, tbe term "western Ukrainę" bas been used several timea in tbe last fen days in different languages.

Cn tbe 5th April. tne Folisb Embaaay approached tbe Foreign Office, re^uesting them to prevent tbe broad-cust of a comruni^ue oonoerning the debato in tbe Houae of Commona regarding alleged anti-setni tism in tbe 2oXizh Army. After having eźarained this mafcter, tho Foreign Office informed the iimbasay that tbe B.E.C. did not find it possible entirely to elthdra-i tbia i tern from the Ne Ars Fulietin in view of their duty to report to their listenora the prooeedinga of the House. IX tbis point of view is comprehensible * hen it a^piiea to tbe Home 5ervioe, it does not seem oonvincing in oonneotion with the iiuropoun Service. wbicb has a ourely propaganda oharaoter.

Jfinaiiy. on the £th Ąpril. the B.F.3. broafloaat both in the Home and EUropean Jerrioea tbe news that iioviet troopa had reached tbe " Czeahosloyak-Ruaiiian Frontier". Suoh indeud was the text of the Ruasian oommuni ;UĆ, whioh tbe B.B.C* repet* ted, addlng a speoial headiine.

Repreaentativea of the Poliab Radio immediateiy Śrem the B.r.C.'s attention to the fact that tbere was no Ru«aian-C»eoho3iovak frontier. Phe frontier in question is in fant be tween Roland and C*echoalovakla. fhe chief of the Poliab Radio pointed out fur the r that the above term was not uaed in any of tbe j2*choslovak comrnuni^urfs, »bicb oarefully avoided thla definition. Pheae objec-tlona, ho*ever, rernalned unbeeded, and tbe text was repeated aeveral tlmea. It goea without saying that tbia attitude oollidea .ith Mr. 2denła reeent statement in the House of Commons that:    "His Ka.Jeaty’3 Government

do not reoognise any territorial cbanges wblob bave been effected in Poland aince August, 1939".


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