Federal Republic of Germany


2. Application of sounding eguipmcnt in the Federal Republic of Germany

As a result of experience, nearly all specia-lists, engineering firms, technical schools, and official agencies and institutes involved with 8ubsoil studies use sounding equipment to survey and evaluate subsoils. This is especially true for the presently about 50 institutes for earthwork and foundation con-struction which are included in the list (the previou8 appendix to DIN 1054) of the Institut fUr Bautechnik, Berlin. Nearly all large construction and drilling firms have their own sounding equipment including heavy dynamie and static penetration testing equip-ment.

Primarily used are:

Light, medium, and heavy dynamie and static penetration testing, vane testing, and isotopic testing equipment. In addition, slit-tube and core samplers are commonly used to clarify the stratigraphic setting.

Other sounding equipment is not generally used except from time to time for special needs (for example, tractional resistance testing).

The equipment and procedures are presented in greater detail in section 4.

The manufacture of sounding equipment is restricted to several firms which usually concentrate on only specific systems (for example, static penetration testing equipment from Maihac AG in Hamburg). In addition, many engineering firms, institutes, or agencies produce their own equipment for dynamik and static penetration, vane, and isotope sounding. Such equipment varies mainly in its mechanical accessories and/or automation.

of specialist8 from neighbouring countries.

Several sets of specifications have been released, others are ready for release, and many are still in preparation. Available or in preparation are the following.

DIN 4094, Sheet 1

Dynamie and static penetration testing equipment, dimensions and operation of the equipment, with explanation. First edition May 1964; revised draft, November 1973.

DIN 4094, Sheet 2

Dynamie and static penetration testing equipment, suggestions for application. Tentative standards, June 1965.

DIN 4096

Vanc sounding equipment, dimensions of the equipment, operation. To appear as standards.

In addition:

Recommcndation8 for isotope sounding are completed. Pragmatic experience leads to continuous reconsideration of the present standards and recommendations.

4. Eguipment and procedures for sounding

Only those features which will affect the finał results of the sounding are standardized within the standards and recommendations. Examples are the shape and dimensions of the sounding points, the vanes of the vane sounding eguipment, etc. (Figs. 1 and 2).

Fig. 1; Points for the dynamie penetration testing eguipment

3. Standardization

Relatively early, about in the middle of the 1950*8, standardization of sounding eguipment and technigues became necessary in order to provide for the comparison of results obtained by many people. As a conscquence, a working committee "Baugrund/Sonden" was established under the auspices of the Construction Engineering Standards Committee. The chairman was and is Dr. H. ZWECK of the Bundesanstalt filr Wasserbau, Karlsruhe. There are about 20 members of the working committee including rcpresentatWes of not only construction and engineering firms but also university institutes, govern-mental agencies, and research groups. The work of the committee is supported by the continuous and/or occasional participation



Cross-section F 2 of point (cm )

Diame-ter d of point (cm)

Light to medium




penetration LRS 10 tester MRS 10




SRS 10



penetration SRS 15





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