v 1


translat.ed in terma of programaes a bont. * t.hlngs to be warte*

(4) Manro poi 1n1es ahoulrt be support.ed anrt 1nt.egrat.ert by cohrI atent raloro poi Idea, fost.erlng the efferta of t.he former npon t.he neertert 1 ncrease In prortnrt. 1ve napad ty, whlle rtlacouraglng bet.s on pr1 ces anrt rewardlng the flrras t.hat. chooae to expanrt t.helr real out.pnt. anrt eraployraent. The striiotural design of surh, ent.lrely new, ■1rro-po11des will be art.nally desnrlbert 1 n sectlon 6 helów.'

(6) The flft.h iwpl ication 1s t.hat/ the polloy of coorrtinat.lon anrt coopera t. łon at. the International level shonlrt he repl 1 cated wlt.hln t.he single ronntrles. A new la u nr h of strat.egles basert on sollrtarit.y anrt of rooperat. 1on among otherwl ae confl Irting partie a woulrt ront.rlhnte

(1) to stahi 1 i ze p o a 1 1.1 ve e x pe r t. a 1.1 o n s , rei nforcing the fraaework of rert.a1nt.ies;

(11) t.o rorrohorat.e t.he rred.1 b 1 1 1 t.y of the adopt.ed maero-poi 1d e s ;

(111) t.o rorrohorat.e the ellraat.e of International cooperatlon.

This 1 mp 1 1 e s a st.rlrt. co 1 1 ahorat. 1 on/negot. 1 at i on het.ween p 1 a n n 1 n g aiithorltles anrt aodal part.ners, 1 n settlng t.he 1 1 ke 1 y and/or rtesi rert va 1 nea of the ia1n maoroeconoralr ■ agnlt. urtea, In st.lpulat. Ing t.he set. of ronslst.ent behavłours t.o whirh t.he negot.1at.1ng part.ners have to coraply, anrt In deflnlng t.he san r. tlona anrt t.he rewarrts of fali tire (t.he past. A ust. r1an exper1ence 1s very snggest.1ve In t.hls respert.)

(6)    Marro * poi 1 des shonlrt be 1nt.egrat.ert by artrtit. ional pollries, alned at forestal ling t.he idleneas, anrt t.hua the rtet.erioraf.1on, of labo nr anrt huraan resouroes in generał, t.hrough spęd a 1 job-rreat. 1on programnes . The feaslbillty rri ter 1 a for t.he choire of anrh prngranes shonlrt be agreed International ly, along the llnes snggest.ert In the prev1ona rhapf.er of t.hls Report. For earh 1nd1v1dnal t.here shonlrt be the gnarant.ee t.hat 1 t. shonlrt not. be allowed t.hat. he ronlrt reraaln 1dle lon ger t.han a pre-establ ished anrt rlearly rteflnert lengt.h of 1.1 ■ e; indrtent.ally, t.hls woulrt ront.rlhnte In i t.sel f t.o keep a favonrable elltaat.e of expect.at.ions , sińce flrras (as it. 1s present.ly happening In Swerten) woulrt reart in t.hat a serio u s plea , on t.he aide of pollcy lakers, towarrts a high level of eraploywent. anrt towarrts expans1on.

(7)    The ext.ent. of rtlrert. leasures for spęd a 1 job creatlon

progranmes , and not only t.helr evaluat.1on nrlterla, shonlrt he agreed at t.he International level, sińce t.he fi srał art jnst.ient.s , t.hat surh neasures nake neressary to artopt, ronlrt reverberat.e npon prires anrt,    thus, npon relat.1 ve

rorapet.1t.1veness. Herause of t.hls, t.he hest way, anrt t.he one to


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