v 1 1 1


(12)    T h 1 s r e q u 1 r e s t.o d e v o t. e t. h e m a x 1 to u m of e f f o r t. s In f a v o u r of ad n rat. 1on and researoh, w h 1 1 a d e e p 1 y revis1ng t. h e present. ly p r e v a 1 1 1 n g t.endenoles favourable t.o low-profile t.ralnłng poHcies. Su oh polloles, 1n faot., while possibly effeot J vft In t.he short. run, not only red u ca employment. hut o o n t. rlbut.e t.o randar T.be system mora r 1 g 1 d , sińce t.he t.endenolea t.owards nont. i nuous 1nnovat.1ons. t.end to make rapldly ohsolata any spedflo s k 1 1 1 . Kdnoat.ion, on t.he oont.rary, t.ends to render t.he lahour foroe pot.ent.ially wora flax1bla and to mold t.he soclal env1ronment. In su oh a way as to benome iore oreat.1 ve and ready to aooept. 1nnovat.1ons and t.heir frnlt.s. Tb1s doas not 1mply t.he naad t.o skip t. r a 1 n i n g aot.iv1t.1as, but. rat.har t.hat. of avo1d1ng to ovar st.ress t.heir role and Import.anoe, t.hat. of s h 1 f 1.1 n g resonroes from t. r a 1 n 1 n g to generał and higher eduoation, t.hat of rendering t.ralnlng v1oar1ous t.o ednoat.lon.

(13)    Many of t.he prev1ons poi loy snggest.lons reqn1re a real

leap 1n t.he qn ality of p u bilo a ot. łon and, t.herefore, 1 n Intel 11 genoe and oni turę of pnhlln adm1n1st.rat.1on. Many of t.he suggest.lonfi imply also a wldenl ng of st.at.e 1nt.ervent.1on. S li o u 1 d t.he e x t. e n s 1 o n of t.he tradlt. 1 o n a 1 sphere of sta te 1ntervent.1on.and t.he q u ality of p u bilo admin1st.rat.1on remain as t.hey present. ly ara, t.he. e mer genoe of a negat. 1ve att.it. u de t.owards t.he proposed measures among ordinary people, mass media and pollt. iolans , won ld be llkely t.o ono nr. Th1s 1 s why t.he whole of t.he proposed measures have not. only to be aooompanied hy, but. rely on, a profonnd rev1s1on of t.he phllosophy of    p ubiło    aotion. The rangę of    dlreot.

1nt.ervent.1ons shonld narrow, whlle t.hat. of regnlat. łon shonld wlden; t.he st.at.e shonld dlreot. ly make less thlngs and beoome mora oapahle t.o order t.o make thlngs t.o t.h 1 rd part.les and t.o oontrol t.hat t.hey properly and 1.1 ne 1 y ooaply t.o su oh orders; 1n short., t.hns, less ' maki ng' , and morę 'regnlat. 1ng and oontrol1 Ing*


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