3. M j^ed_s t ra tegyj_ Ogt j_ons_a nd_d j^f 1_ouJ_t^es.

T.et. us suppose that. t.hi» proport. i ona lit. y condi t. ion st.at.ed ahnvft ns b e 1 n g • suf f Iclent t.o prefer the most. produot ive st.rat.ftgy 2 holds, and that st.rat.egy 2 \s feasible. Any wisa, 1mag1nat. 1ve, and non-ficonnml Rt. ren der won Id be likely t.o snggest a    t.hlrd st.rat.egy (stratiegy 3), oonoe1ved as a

conblnatlon of t.he previously oonsldered ones. Tn fart we o o u Id employ N2 workers at an average produot. 1v1 ty v2 -as 1t. 1s posslhle w1th st.rat.egy 2- and t.ben employ, although at t.he lower average produot. 1 v 1 ty v1 , those who are left. unemployeri,

1J. Tn t.h 1 s oase we won Id have 1n faot.

• * •

Q3 » v2 N2 + V1 II > Q2 - v2 N2    [2]

Bett.er t.han that. v we can st.at.e an even morę generał proposl t.ion:    •    1 t 1s always convenient., f roni t.he point, of view

of out.put. maxim1zat. łon, to employ an unemployed worker, at. t.he only condi tion t.hat. his product.1 vi ty 1 s non- negat.1 ve' . Tn faot.

Q3 = v2 N2 + v II > Q2 = v2 N2 for any v>0    [3]

Tn faot. st.rat.egy 3 1s t.he one whioh won ld be select.ed -and 1 s aot.ua lly adopted- 1 n any non-market. system (or suh-system), prov1ded only that t.here ex1st.s a set of soolal rui es for a proper allooat. 1on of people among jobs and for a oomraonly aooept.ed way t.o div1de t.he system’s out.put. among t.he people who oont.rlhute to 1 ts produo 1.1 on . Th 1 s 1s what bappens In any adm1n1st.rat.1ve 1 n s t. it.ut.1on, i n any f a m 1 1 y ,    1 n any rural

env1roment, 1n any oommunity household; 1n brlef , In any soolal a ggr ega t.ion 1 n whfoh a dl rent att.rlbiitlon of t.asks 1 s posslhle.

Th1s objeot.lon oan be reslst.ed, t.hough oont.aining some, and unf ort.nna te 1 y qu1te persuas1ve, element.s of t.rut.h. We will delay t.o se o t.ion 5 a fuli development. of t.hls Issue, exoept. for one single point., dealt. wlth In the remainlng part of t.hls s e o 1.1 o n .

The Impllolt. assumpt. 1on hehlnd t.he ahove ment.loned objeot.lon 1 s that. the whole out.put 1 s produoed unrier st.rict. market, condi tlons . Tt. would not. apply, t.herefore, under a dlfferent. regulatory regime t.hat. o o u Id al Iow a siiit.able mix of dlfferent. allooat. 1ve and regulatory meohanisms.

Thls 1 s not. to deny t.he t.heoretioal and t.eohnioal d 1 f f 1 cu 1 1.1 es , not. t.o mentlon t.he polltloal ones, that. would hinder the invent.ion of su oh a regime, hut. s 1 m p 1 y t.o st.ress t.he essent.lally regulatory naturę of the problem, and to argue t.hat. a sol u t. łon exist.s, as t.he hasło wlsdom of formula [3] ahove olearly shows.

As a mat.ter of faot, formula [3] 1s not.hlng else than t.he rationale of a part. of t.he present.ly at.t.empt.ed job oreat. łon strat.egles. As 1t. 1s well known, suoh st.rat.egles are not. only meet. Ing heavy praot.ioal rilffloult.les 1n t.helr 1mplement.at.1on


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