aro t.hoso whose prnriime (gooda nr snrv1nns) contr 1 buten t.o raine t.he rat.e of profit. In t.he nap1t.nl Ut. (larket) sector. They do an by lowarlng noata of produotlon for f1r«s. 0bv1ons axawples aro to be found In a 1 1 t.hnae naana of Rtata workom wblob aro ewployed t.o prnduce goods and serv1oea whlnh ent.er Int.o t.he pr odnot. 1 vo pronesses of capi tal lat. flrws: bulldlng roada, brldgoa, r a 1 1 w a y 8 , oto. T n a 1 1 t.ho«o naaoa, t.ho Rt.at.o t.akoa caro of produotlon (booauao no pr1vat.o flrws would start, su oh productlona 1n tbat t.hęy aro not rogardod as proflt.ahle), and t.hon prov1dos thoso goods and sorv1oos olt.hor froo or at. a prioo whlnh 1s bolow t.holr 1 nat.ural prioo* (tbat. 1 s , t.bo prioo tbat would on suro a nona 1 rato of profit. for t.bo snppllor). Thua t.ho oaplt.allst. soot.or 1r onahlod t.o acqn1re ROio of t.bo requ1red weans of produotlon at a prioo whloh i s bolow t.hat. whloh would prevall 1f t.hoso weans of produotlon had boon s u p p 1 1 o d hy t.bo oaplt.allst. soot.or 1 t. s o 1 f . C o s t s of produotlon aro lowor and henna, t.ho.rato of profit. 1s hlghor.

Tn ordor tbat t.ho Rt.at.o play t.b 1 s rolo 1t 1s of oourso nooosRary tbat tbo gooda and serv1ces produood by 11. aro of a klnd tbat. aro u sod, dlrootly or Indlrootly, in ot bor produotlye prooosRos. Ry ualng* wodom t.orwlnology wo oan dofino Indlrootly produnt.1 vo workoro In a woro pronlao way. Thoy produoo banio onwwndlt.lea whloh aro wado ava1 labie by t.bo Rt.at.o at. a prioo whloh la not. 1nolus1vo of a profit.. Tndlrootly produot.1vo workom do not produoo any monet.ary surplns for t.holr owployor but. allow t.bo oaplt.allst soot.or (and, bonoo, workom owplnyed In 11.) t.o givo r1ao t.o hlghor r o t. ii r n a .

So far, 1n aplt.o of sowo a 1 wp 1 1 f 1 oa1.1 ons and wlt.bont. paylug att.ont.ion t.o dlfforonooa awong olaaaloal ooonowlsts, wo usod oonoopt. a and 1doaa whloh havo boon    proaont. In ooonowlo

thonght for alwoat. t.wo centurion, bot us now soo, whot.her t.hoso oonoopts oan ho iisoful to nur ciirrent. purposos.

Modern warkot ooonowlea aro obaraot.orlzod hy snob a *porvaa1vo at.at.o 1nt.orvont.1on In t.bo ooonowlo flold t.hat. t.ho olasaloal oonoopt of Indlrootly produot.1vo lahour appoars qu1t.e uaoful, Indood woro slgnlfloant. t.han 11. wight. bavo boon whon olasaloal ooonowłats wrot.o. Tn fant.,    1 n a    way or

anothor, t.hls oonoopt. has hoon reoent.ly usod and roforrod t.o In t.ho debato on t.ho ooonowlo rolo playod hy t.bo State 1 n Western ooonowlea.

Rut. t.boro 1 s anothor aspoot. whloh deserves att.ont.1on and loads ua t.o sowo aspoots t.hat. appoar slgnlfloant. In our ourrent. oont.oxt., Tf t.ho oat.ogory of Indlrootly produot.1vo applles t.o all t.hoso workors who produoo woans of produotlon, wby ahould 11. not. apply t.o t.hoso workom who play a rolo 1n tbo prooosa of produotlon and roproduo1.1 on of t.ho labour-foroe It.Rolf (og. oduoat.ion, healt.h oaro, eto. )? Public 1nt.orvont.1on 1 n t.hoso sootors lowors t.ho oosf. of produot.1 on/roproduot. 1 on of t.ho lahour foroo for t.ho oaplt.allat. aoot.or. T t. prov1doa workors whoso product.1v1t.y Ir hlghor wlthout. waklng tbo pr1vat.o aoot.or pay for auoh a ‘hlghor qual1ty‘ out.put.. Thua, also workors owployod In t.hoso aroas of tbo publlo soot.or havo t.o bo rogardod aa    Indlrootly prodnot.1 vo.    Frow t.hls


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