CHAPTF.R rrr 35 86230

(a) wagaa pa1d for equa) Joba are at.r1ot.ly equal and depend only on t.he snbjeot.1ve akii la of every single, pot.ent. 1 a 1 1 y hlghly sohlle, worker;

(h) wagę a pa1d hy dlfferent. ly produot. 1ve firma oan bo elt.her e q u a 1 or dlfferent, but. t. h a t, on o a est.abllahed, t. b e y ara rlgld, t.hat. 1a, t.hay ara not. aubjaot. ' t.o ohange    1f t.ha

produot 1 v 1 ty dlffarant.lal    het.ween firma ohangea, aa t.ha

oonaaquanoa    of t.ha adopt.i.on, by    aome    of    t.bem,    of mora

produot 1 va t.eohniques.

Tn bot.h ca aa a t.ha st.rnotura of waga a haa to ha rlgld, a 1 t. h o u gb In assoolat.lon wlt.h t. w o oomplet.ely dlffarant. underlying meohanlams. Rut in ordar t.o bat.t.ar underst.and t.hls point, an Import.ant. prellralnary remark haa to ba mada: Tha tam 'produot. 1v1t.y* rafarrad t.o workara 1s vary a uh 1 guoua 1 ndaad , and oan hava t.wo dlst.lnot. and very dlffarant. aaanlngs. Tha dlffarant. produot.1v1t.1aa v(1) naad 1 n formula [5] ahova do not. da pand -In    t.ha    abova oonsldara tlona-    on    t.ha    subJaot.1va

dlffaranoaa among    t.ha workara, but. on    tha    faot..    t.hat tha

workara ara amployad wlt.h dlffarant.ly afflolant. t.aohn1quaa. hat. u a oall    thasa    dlffarant. lala 1n produot. 1 v 1 ty    ’ objaot. 1va

prodnot.1v1t.y dlfferantlals' , In ordar to d1at. Inguish t.ham from t.hoaa whloh event.ua! 1y da pand on aubjaot. 1valy dlffarant. paraonal andowmant.a, whloh ara exaot.ly t.hoaa t.o whloh t.radi tlonal marglnallat. analyala u n 1 q u a 1 y rafara.

Aa wa aaw, t.ha ooupetl tlon batwaan dlffarant.ly afflolant. t.eohn1quea raqu1raa, In ordar t.o ha poaslbla, t.hat. wagaa hava t.o ba ralat.ivaly rlgld, ao t.hat. t.hay do not adapt., rapldly and In a amoot.h way, to t.ha subst.1 tut.ion of t.eohniquea.

Thla fasul t. -wa sald- oan ba obtalnad t.hrough t.wo vary dlffarant. maohaniama. Tha flrat. 1a a vary high lab on r moblllt.y (baaad on bot.h dlsmlssala and volunt.ary qu1ta). Th 1 a would in faot. produoa an aqu 1 1 1 br 1 um allooat.ion of workara among Joba whloh would . dapand only upon ' subjaot. i va produot. 1v1 ty dlffarant. lala', wlt.h .aa oh workar raoa1v1ng a ralat.1v a waga whloh is proportlona 1 t.o hia 1 aubjaot iva* ralat.1va produot. 1 v 11. y . Onoa obt. al nad , t. h 1 a struoture of joh allooa tlona and pay condlt. łona would ranain atabla (aa long aa t.ha sama mobili t. y oondl tlona o on t. inna t.o allow for tha naoaaaary adjust.mant.s) and, t.hna, relat.1valy *rlgld' from t.ha v1awpo1nt. of t.ha a d j na t.man t.a of paya avant.ually ralat.ad t.o 'objaot 1ve p r o d u o 1.1 v i t. y dlffarant.lal'.

Tha aaoond maohanlsm 1 a a 1 reguł at.ad' waga st.rnotura, t.hat. ia, by a a1t.uat.1on in whloh wagaa ara det.ermlned aooordlng to a a a t. of aconomlo, i nst.1 t.nt.1 ona 1 and soolal rulas, oraat.ad and oh a n gad In a oomplex aaquanoa of hiat.orloal pa t.ha and as a oonsaqnenoe of oomplex and 1.1 m a oonaumlng int.araot. łona among aavaral agenta (baaidaa tha firma thamsal vas and t.ha 1nvolved workara, t.ha amployars' and t.ha workara' unlona, t.ha government.a and t.ha parllamant.a, t.ha oourt.s, t.ha aduoat.lonal and t.ralnlng 1nat.1tnt.1ons , and ao forth). IJseleas t.o add t.hat., from a hiat.orloal point. of v1ew, 1t. haa baan thla aaoond maohanlsm whloh haa largały prava1lad.


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