This Report. concerns how 11. has heen dealt., and how t.o deal, wlt.h unenpl oynent. 1n F.nrope. This 1s t.he t.hlrd nf a sequence of Report.s. The f Irst 'one was hased on t.he survey of four oount.rles: Tt.aly, U . K . , fiFR and France. The second one wldened t.he ev1dence to Belgi lim, fireece, Treland, The
Netberlands and D e n m a r k . Tn hot.h cases t.he a t. tent. łon was focused, hot.h 1n country surveys and In t.he generał Report.s, on t.he o v e r a 1 1 performance of t.he set. of poHoles adopt.ed In order to flght. agalnst. yont.h nneip 1 oyient... Tn ot.her words, t.he
at. t.ent. łon was on t.he f o r e s t.i, rat.her t.han on t.he single t.rees
and branches. Furt.hermore, t.he generał Report.s not. only at. t. empt.ed a cross -sec t.łonał analysłs of varłous oount.rles, but. were heav1ly 1nt.egrat.ed hy analyt. 1cał nonsiderat. lons ahout. t.he systemie feat.ures of our sod et. i es on t.he one band, and ahout t. he t.heorles whlch were behlnd t.he adopt.ed poił des on t.he o t. h e r .
The Report. of this year, whlle ext.end1ng 1 ts scope t.o t.wo non F.F.C count.ries, Sweden and Austria, on one słde consol1dat.es t.he dlagnost.lc s1de of t.he analysłs, on t.he ot.her one deals wlt.h a set. of proposals, or, rat.her, a set of
condl tlons whlch have t.o- he fulfllled in order t.o at.t.empt. t.o
revert. t.he present. unemployient t.rends In our count.ries.
The surveys on Sweden and Austria, whlch are at.t.ached to t.he present. Report, part. lal ly dlffer from t.he ot.her country surveys; our target. was in fact. to check whet.her very pecullar factors, h a v 1 n g t. o do w 1 t. h t. h e o u 11 u r a 1 , 1 n s 1.11. n 1.1 o n a 1 and
po lit. 1oal envi ronnents, su oh as a dlfferent. at. 1.1 turie t.owards
Coopera t. łon, solłdarłt.y and plannlng, co u ld h a v e played a role in t.he management. of nnemployroent. prohlems. Therefore, we have not added t.bese t.wo count.ries t.o t.he oomparat.łve analysłs performed In p r e v 1 o u s Report, s; rat.her, we have nsed t.he
knowledge ahout. t.he t.wo new exper1enoes for deepening our
analyt.lcal framework and, somet.lmes, we have gat.hered some polłcy suggest. łon.
The m a 1 n resnlt.s and concluslons of t.he present generał Report, can he summarized as fol 1 ows.
(1) Yout.h unenployment. 1s t.he apparent. problem. The real one łs unemployment.. The 1 n a b 1 I 1 t. y t.o fully u 1.1 1 1 7. e avał labie labo u r resources 1 a t.he result. of a deep cr1s1s In t.he mechanlsms of regli la t.ion, allocat. ion and dlst.rihnt. łon.
(2) Su oh mechanlsms worked relat. 1vely well unt.il t.he early s e v e n t. len. Since t.hen mac ro-econotl c poił des ceased t.o be ef fect.1 ve. F.xpans1 ve monet.ary st.1mu11 śt.art.ed t.o produoe increasłngly prłce effect.s rat.her t.han real effeot.s; morę recent.ly t.he posslble break down 1 n real and prłce effect.s of expansłve stimuli has be co me subs ta n t. i a 1 1 y dlfflcult. t.o forsee. This amount.s, in polłcy t.erws, t.o a loss of oont.rol of our econom1 es.