

34 Accommodation


ryokan youth hostel yusu hosuteru

Watch out for hotels sporting garish architecture and pink or purple neon signs - these are ‘love hotels’ with hourly rates. If you arrive after 10 pm you can often get a Iow ratę on a bizarrely decorated room for the night.

Checking In




Do you have........? arimasu ka?

a room heya

a single room shinguru rumu a double room daburu rumu a room with a bath basu tsuki no heya

How much per night?

ippaku wa ikura desu ka?

I don’t have a reservation.

yoyaku shite imasen Don’t you have anything cheaper?

motto yasui no wa arimasen ka?

That’s too expensive. sore wa taka sugiru desu ga

Could I see the room? heya o misete kudasaimasu ka It*s too smali.


chiisa sugimasu It’s too noisy.


urusa sugimasu This is fine.

korę wa ii desu

C/h.titH'' vt

Fil be staying........

........taizai shimasu


one night hitoban


two nights futaban three nights



a few nights ni san nichi one week




I’m not surę how long I’m staying. nan nichi tomaruka mada wakarimasen

fSJH <!:***»*

Where is the........?

........ wa doko desu ka?

lift (elevator)

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• • •


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