66 Food inexpensive restaurants as they generally have realistic-looking models of the dishes available in the front window. Each model displays the name of the dish and its price. Ali you have to do is point at the dish you want.
chóshoku *$3 K
lunch chushoku dinner
yuskoku 9 fX
Try the many kissaten (coffee shops) if you like to sip coffee or soda while reading or talking. Although drinks aren’t cheap, you can sit for as long as you want without being expected to order morę.
When out drinking, wait until everyone’s glass is fuli before starting to drink. The word kampai (cheers!) is heard often and literally means ‘dry cup’. It is bad form to fili your own glass.
nomi mizu |
CD^/K |
milk | |
miruku | |
barley tea | |
mugicha |
Ute |
green tea ryokucha |
black tea kocha coffee kohi
iced coffee aisu kohi iced tea aisu ti cola kora juice jusu
fruit juice furutsu jusu minerał water mineraru uOta beer biru
draft beer na ma biru rice winę sake whisky uisukt winę budOshu 3 - k: —
7 Ą - fc-7 ATsT A ~ 3-5
v JŁ-X
7 7 v i —x
5 * 7 )V o * - 7
7 >f x * -
I’d like a/some........please.
........o kudasai