The Akihabara area of Tokyo is renowned for its discount electronics, but many will find the discount prices here comparable to prices back home. Don’t forget that electric and video standards vary from country to country - tell the salesclerk which country you intend to use the product in.
Bargain hunters should check out the area across the Street from Ueno train and subway station in Tokyo. The smali lanes are filled with discount shoes, clothing, and household items.
W hen you enter a shop, the owner, clerk, or electronic door will say irrashaimase which means ‘welcome’. Ifyou want to just look around but an eager salesclerk is hovering over you, say kekko desu (that’s all right) to take the pressure off.
With the exception of some shops in Akihabara, and some discount markets, such as the one in Ueno, prices are generally fixed; any attempt to haggle is morę likely to produce embarrassment than a bargain.
How much is this?
korę wa ikura desu ka? It’s too expensive.
taka sugimasu Fil take this.
korę o itadakimasu How much is it altogether? zenbu de ikura desu ka?
<1 i t
I don’t want to spend morę
........yen ijó wa
tsukaitaku nain desu ga Will you deliver it?
todokemasu ka?
I like this one.
korę ga hoshii no desu I want something cheaper. motto yasui no ga hoshii desu
Where is the........?
........wa doko desu ka ?
barber’s shop tokoya book shop honya
camera shop kamer ay a department storę depato
dressmaker’s shop yófukuya electrical shop denkiten handicraft shop shukogeihinten jeweller’s shop hosekiten