

S:r*c*os3 Wocns

A boned foundation «s a sepa'ate layor ot a strapiess bodice wb»ch may also do used as th© bodice l.ning In higłvqual«ty gafments th© Doned laver >s msertod botwoon tho Outer and the Iming layers Tte foundat»on shap©s :he bcdice and prov©rt$ it slipp ng down the body The outer bodice design can be cu: :o dcfferent design lm©$ and »s StitCbed to tho shapec foundat on for support

ibi Model tht four pantl».

<•1 Tapo upptr and lower foundat on bod<t design trwa on the etand. Tha»o will Pt kltrckai to th©*o of tho oc/tor and lin*mg iaytr*

(dl To tighten tho bodko te fit tho body clotoly. rnerk naw starrl-nti at>ovo and bolow tha buat ood on othor toam* aa *hown

(O R«movt from the r.and. truo

lintt and make a pepor ot cord partrn wirhovt tighttning for futuro i/*o Whenover a foundacion nteda to Pt .n fabrłc for enothar atrapie** styfo. ii will Pt tighttoed vwrh tho garrpont.

<tl Mado-up founrtatinn bodko •howog bon ng poftdions: fidt aoa/na. Pack panot lino*. and awey fro^n the front panel lino. procKorg a moro aoPtk ahapo (han if takon dirtctly Ovor tht but!


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