No boot deoice not detected o Insert a syste system would b inserted corre the disk is fo
AMI BIOS < h/90 AMI BIOS > h/n AMI BIOS Plus AMI HiFlex BIOS AMI WinBIOS Beep & Screen
DISKETTE DRIUES M IYPLS MISMAIC Type of diskette drioe installed ii CMOS definition. Run Setup to recoi
- DISPLAY SWITCH IS SET INCORRECTLY Display switch on the motherboard < color. This indicates the switch ii indicated in Setup. Determine whicł turn off the system and change the the UIDEO selection.
- DISPLAY TYPE HAS CHANGED SINCE LAS' Since last powering off the system, You must configure the system for i

_bs.txt 2=1
d mean that either a boot drioe was contain proper system boot files. and press Enter. If you assumed the ue, make surę the controller is ie properly attached. filso be surę ice. Then reboot the system.
i the system is different from the ifigure the driwe type correctly.
;an be set to either monochrome or > set to a different setting than i setting is correct, and then either jumper, or enter Setup and change r BOOT
, the display adapter has been changed the new display type.
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