PRI c 06Ęr rental

PRI c 06Ęr rental

\ I.Ol.ZOOb c


A Manager of a car rental manages employees data, price lists and cars1 information.

Ali people can browse list of cars available for rental.

? Customer may book a car either by Internet or by cal ling to the car rental (then employee inputs booking into the system). During booking there is a possibility to browse list of cars availabie for rental.

^ Employees of the car rental add and edit customers’ information.

Employees can also browse reservations and find the reservation of a particular customer.

( Employee of the car rental marks that a customer has picked up a car. If a car was booked before the employee has to find the reservation. If the customer is not in the system, customer should be added. Employee sets a period of rental (only if it was not set during the booking).

J Employee can also give a discount to particular customer.

When a customer returns a car the employee has to mark that a car has retumed to the car ; rental. Customer can pay for the rental whenever he/shc wants (among others during retuming and picking up). Ali information on payments have to be stored in the system (employees input these info).

At the car return, in case of damages of the car the employee has to input information about (j defect into the system. Additionally information about car’s damage can be entered at any point and does not have to relate to a particular rental - a car can be damaged on the rental parking. If the damage is serious the employee may mark that a car should be serviccd.

Employee also marks that a particular car should be serviced. The list of cars to service can be i 0 browsed by an employee responsible for service. After the service the employee removes the cart lfom the list of cars to service.

Once a week there is a check performed and all cars with their yearly service deadline during 7 a following week are put automatically on the list of cars to service.

, ^ On monthly basis the system removes customers that have not borrowed any car within the last 2 years.

Customers do not have any special accounts in the system.


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