P/oceedi/tgs of the Annual Conference Ol (ha Humań Factors Assocaation of Canada Comptewendus du congres ani uel da TAssodation canadienne <TefQonomi« *


A large number of retall workers (28X) were excluded from the study because of oelf-reported erthritie or rhoumetism. Further study of this problem may be warranted.

Bęęf and g2TK

In the beef industry, hand/wrist disorders were most prevalent amongst Deef boners and cuttors. Workplace factors issociated with these disorders included cold hands, wearing a mix of cotton and rubber gloves on the knife-holding hand, and interaction betwaan the knife and the cut wMch frequently placed the hand in a deviated position.

Of all three groups exam1ned In this project, the pork industry reported the highest incidence of hand/wrist disorders. A pork plant differs from a beef plant in that the meat is greasier, hence making the entire workplace greasier, and also that the environment is considerably warmer. In the . pork industry the majority of workers do not wear gloves. najor workplace factors which need to be addressed are knife handles designedto reduce slippage, possibly introducing gloves for the*knife holding hand, and examining the effect of handtool ylbration.


Oeepite the eimilacity in the occupational health problems In the different meat Processing sectors, lt is evident that the differente workplaces must apply different Solutions In order to properly solve thelr problems. This approach will reduce industry costs in addressing the problems and will ensure prompter worker relief.

Both beef and pork workers frequent!y assumed static work postures for prolonged periods of tlme, repeatedly stresslng the same Jolnts; minHstretch/massage pauses and Job rotation are therefore recommended.

Other suggestions lnclude reconsłderlng the knife design, which requires adspting the knife to the job and the worker, reviewing the use of g!oves, modifying eguipment, training workers in which hand positions to avotd, rotatlng workers amongst different jobs so that the joints most used are stressed in different ways, and limiting the welght of boxes handled manuałly.

ThiG ctudy is the first in North America to examine the musculoskeletal problems o i meat Processing workers from an ergonomie perspectlve. In addition, łt is oDvious that many problems are sfte specific. Hence, much morę in-depth investigation Is needed.



ARMSTRONG, T.J., FOULKE, JOSEPH B., and GOLDSTEIN, S. (1962). lnvestigation of cumulatłve trauma disorders In a poultry Processing plant. American tndustrial Hygiene JournaU43): 105-116.

FLACK, B. and AARNIO, P. (1983). Left side carpal tunnel syndrome in butchers. Scandinav1an Journal of Work Environment andHea1th(9): 291-297.

HALL, G.J.L. (1984). Repetition strain in mutton slaughtermen (abstract). Proceedinos of the 21 st Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Australia and New Zealand. p. M5. Ergonomics Society of Australia and New Zealand, Sydney.

KARL0VI5T, L. (1964). Cuttlng operatlon at canning bench - a case study of handtool design. Proceedings of the 1984 International Conference on Occupational Ergonomics:452-456. Humań Factors Association of Canada, Toronto.

MAGNUSSON, fi., ÓRTENGREN, R.f HAGSTROEM, P. and ANDERSSON, G.(I985). Ergonomics of meatcuttlng: investigation of factors inftuencing the physical workload. Proceedinos of the Nlnth Conoress of the International Ergonomics Association. Bournemouth, 1985: 259-262.


The author acknowledges the support of La bour Canada in che preparation of this paper.

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