Model of syslcms Market factors and higher custoiners' awareness play the crucial role R. Rothwcll
integration in an innovation proccss. lnnovation ntodels arc constructcd in the form of
Internet. NetWork management rcscmblcs siinultancons management of numerous businesses through a continuous scarch for the possibilitics of the most fararablc allocation of innovation potcntial componcnts. The dcvcIopnicnt of management Systems and the incrcasing nurnber of horizontal and vertical agreements iernain
Distributed innovation ModelisconccntratcdonopeninnovationbascdonH. Chcsbroughsproposal. P. Hoberaft
model howcvcr, it criticizcs confidcncc as the basis for open innovation succcss. The model
assumes morę distributed leadership słructurc bascd on individuals presenting skills in influcncing others. It reąuircs knowlcdge flow between various entities to open _opportunities for ereating innoyątions_
Source: authors compilation bascd on: M.S. Lewandowska. Innowacje otwarte polskich przedsiębiorstw, „Gospodarka Narodowa” nr 2, pp. 53-80; J. Perenc, J. Holub-Iwan. Innowacje w rozwoju konkurencyjności firm. Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2011. pp. 55-57; J. Czerniak, Polityka innowacyjna w Polsce, analiza i proponowane kierunki zmian, Difin, Warszawa 2013, pp. 20-29; A.H. Jasiński, R. Ciborowski, Ekonomika i zarządzanie innowacjami. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok 2012, pp. 49-57; Szymańska, 2013, pp. 70-85, A.H. Jasiński. Innowacyjność w gospodarce Polski, modele, bariery, instrumenty wsparcia. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Warszawa 2014. p. 16: S. Waresa. Systemy innowacyjne we współczesnej gospodarce światowej. Wydaw nictwo Naukowe PWN. Warszawa 2012, pp. 35-38.
P. den Hertog, having considered the specific naturę of service providing businesses, constructs five models covering innovative behaviors of service enterprises. They are distinguished in terms of innovation sources (Table 3). P. den Hertog’s comments and obsen ations can also be directly referred to tourist enterprises.
Tallle 3. Innovation models of service companies by P. den Herlog
on tcchnological inno\ ations offered by the dominating one (sen icc providing companies rcmain industiy scctor. launchcd at the market by the consumcr of innovations and a passivc componenl
manufacluring companies of an innovation system). Suclt innovations have to be
Innovation is liutiatcd and implcinentcd Company intcllcctual Capital and its intcrnal by a service company ilself and is related innovation aclivitics arc of crucial significancc to typical senicc functions, c.g. ereating a new product. a new packagc of senices
ora distributibn system_
A senice company rcsponds to the nceds Bascd on J. Schmookler's concept it can be stated cxpresscd by clicnts that an enterprise ercates imentions as the rcaction
A sen ice company generates innovations Referring to the concept of H. Chcsbrough s open
introduccd in a givcn senicc enterprise innovations it can be stated that the diffusion
of innoyątions in sen icc sector rcmains the priinary