The model discussed in the article (Figurę 1) is of interdisciplinary naturę, most appropriate to describe complex phenomena occurring in the functioning of an enterprise, also including a tourist enterprise.
B+R - innovation specialists Ppl - front Staff K - Client
IOB - business em iromnent institutions Pt - tourist enterprise
Esplanatory notes:
ZI - subsystem of intellectual resourees ZM - subsystem of materiał resourees ZO - subsystem of organizational resourees IM - subsystem of materia) instraments IPm - subsystem of non-material instmments M - marketing staff Inst. B+R - R&D units
( A knot with rclations
_^ dircction of support-iuformation flow
4—► or knowledge transfer
Figurę 1. Suggested innovation system model of a tourist enterprise Source: the authors' compilation.