Fig. 1.81: Transvagina! puncture of an embryonic ycsiclc on Day 29 of gcstution. The puncture ncedlc (arrow) has pene-trated about 2 cm into the vesicle. Within the conceptus the detaching embryonic membranes can be seen. The conceptus was suhsequently resorbed.
Fig. 1.82: Transvaginal puncture of a conceptus on Day 50 of gestation. The puncture needle lies between the two gukk lines. A transversc section through the fetus can be scen in ih. upper left of the vesicle. The conceptus was subsequentl resorbed.
Fig. 1.83: Transvaginal puncture of a conceptus on Day 54 of gcstation. The puncture necdlc runs between the two guide lines to a depth of 3 cm. The prcgnancy continued to develop
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