45738 P1130048

45738 P1130048

Fig. 1.95: Oasct of embryonic mortality on Day 17 of gesta-tion. Signs of abnormality are the increased echogenicity of the embryonic fluid as well as the vagueness of the interface between the embryonic vesicle and the uterine wali. Four days latcr the conceptus was largely resorbed.

Fig. 1.96: Abnormal pregnancy on Day 27. The embtyo v exhibited heart beats. Signs of the impending embryoi death were the irregular outline of the embryonic vesśde a the smaller than expected size of the yesicle when compai to the last service datę.

Fig. 1.97: Abnormal pregnancy from Fig. 1.96 on Day 33. The embtyo had continued to grow and still had a beating heart. Signs of embryonic mortality are the uneharacteristic orienta-tion and dLsorganization of the placental membranes (arrow), the echoes yisibłe iaside the fluid and the smali size and fiat shape of the yesicle.


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