

Fig- 1.105: Transverse section through the uterine hom (arrows) of a marę with chronię endometritis. The lumen con-tains a modę ratę amount of exudate.

Fig. 1.106: Utems of a marę with large accumulation of exu~ datę as a result of a chronic endometritis. The endometriai folds bulge into the lumen.

Fig. 1.108: Uterus (arrows) of a marę after the instillationon 1 physiological salinę solution for flushing. The air bubbtes in the flushing solution produce intense floccular echoes.

Fig. 1.107: Uterus (arrows) with an inflammatory secretion as a result of a chronic endometritis. The increased cellular con-tent of the exudate causes floccular echoes.


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