34424 P1130050

34424 P1130050

Fig. 1,96: Uterus 4 days afler the death of the fetus on about Day T) of pregnancy. At this ttme the feta! fluids had largely drsappeared. Hyperechoic feta! remnants (arrows) were stili detcctaNc by uttrasonogmphy for another 2 wecks.

Fig. 1.99: Hydrops of the placental membranes in a rnarc i day 230 of gęstation. The excessive accumulation of fluid cl be seen to cxtend beyond the maximal penctration depth the sound waves. The fetus could not be detected by transze tal ułtrasonography.

Fig. 1.101: Norma! invoiution of the uterus m a marc 15 hcnus post partum. The uterine lumen is largely dosed A swal amount of hypoechotc fluid is \isihk between the endom?' tria! fołds.    __

Fig. 1.100: Uterus (arrws) of a marę with a norma! jx»tpar-tum period 84 hours (3.5 days) after parturition. Within the utcrus the anechok lochial secredon expanding over a few centuneters can be scen.


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