

Fig, 1.21: Solid corpus luteum (dots) betwecn several smali follieles on the ovaiy (arrows) of a maro. A hypoechoic bor-dcr zonę separates the corpus luteum from the surrounding ov arian pa renchyma.

Fig. 123: Section through an ovary that was removed b> ovariectomy from an estrous marę. A smali remnant ot hemorrhage is still visible in the center of the regressing corpus luteum (arrows). To the left of the corpus luteum lies the antrum of the estrous follicle.

Fig. 1*22: Ultrasonogram of a regressing corpus luteum (ar* rows) next to an estrous follicle. Analogous to the scctioncd ovaiy in Fig. 1.23. The inner diameter of the follicle is ap-proximately 35 mm.


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