Once conception has occurred the primary corpus luteum of pregnancy remains detectable during the course of eaiiy gestation (Fig. 1.29). The same two forms of corpora lutea that are seen in diestrus can be found during the first two weeks of pregnancy. When the corpus luteum of pregnancy reaches a few weeks of age it usually has the same homogenous echogenicity as is typical of the solid corpus luteum of the cycle.
After a double ovulation has taken place, both corpora lutea can be depicted. Also in the case of an early twin pregnancy it is possible to depict both corpora lutea (Fig. 130).
Also the aocessoiy corpora lutea of pregnancy which develop between Days 40 and 60 of gestation can be demonstrated by ultrasonography. Among these acces-sory corpora lutea of pregnancy are sonie that have the same appearance as the corpora hemorrhagica which occur during the nonpregnant cycle (Fig. 1.27). In the beginning these show a narrow peripheral edge which surrounds the trabecular hypoechoic central area (Fig. 131). During the further couise of pregnancy the central, less echoic area becomes smaDer while the hyper-echoic luteinized wali grows thicker (Fig. 132).