Fig. 1.4: Transverse section through a uterine hom of a marę. The peritoneai borders are indicated by arrows. Analogous to the section reprcsented by A in Fig. 1.5.
Fig, 1.5: Schematic presentation of a transverse section through a uterine hom (A) and a longitudinal section through the uterine body (B).
Fig. 1.6: Longitudinal section through the uterine body of a marę equivalent to the section illustratcd by B in Fig. 1.5. The dorsal and ventral uterine borders arc dcmarcatcd by large arrows. The opposing surfaces of the endometrium form un echoic linę (smali arrows).
Fig. 1.7:Trunsvcrse section through a uterine hom (arrows) of u nonpregnant marę. The uterus is positioned above 3 urched saeculations of the lefl dorsal colon. The diftercncc in imped-ance bclwecn the intestinal wali and the fcccs causc total rcflection of the nltrasound vvaves along the echoic saccula* tlons of the colon.