Origin |
Crest of pubis. pubie symphysis |
Insertion |
Cartilage of fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs. xiphoid process |
Action |
Flexes vertebral column. compresses abdomen |
Nerve |
Seventh through twelfth intercostal nerves |
•Tendinous bands divide each rectus into Ihree or four bolhes. Each rectus is sheathed in aponcurotic libers Irom the latcral abdominal musctes. Tbese libers meot centrally to form the tinea alba
Notę: The pyramidalis is a smali, unimportant muscle that extends Irom the ventral surface of tt>e pubis to the kwer part of the Imea alba It is freguently absent
- więzadła żebrowo-mieczykowych
- zbliża klatkę piersiową do miednicy ( m. wydechowy )
TVunk—anterior view