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of the rear legs and taił, fore legs and chest, side view minus manę and belly hair, top view from ears to hind ąuarters and view A-A. Next, tracę the side view only on a 1 x 3 x 5%, in. błock of -soft pine or firm balsa, with the grain running vertically or legwise (Fig. 3A). Cut out with band, jig or coping saw, and draw a centerline around the circumference of the błock using a soft pencil. Also draw in the rear yiew of the taił plus the side view of both

rear legs. Remove the surplus wood between the rear taił outline and the aft linę of the legs (Fig. 4A). When the taił has been brought down to the outline, draw in the left and right sides of the taił and remoye the wood between the inside of the taił and the after linę of the legs down to the centerline (Fig. 4B).

Next, tracę the top view (Fig. 2) onto the błock. Trim to these outlines with your knife, at the same time working in the side view outlines of the ears, jaw and legs (Figs. 5A and 5B). Draw the front and rear yiews of the legs in place and cut out with your knife. Now start blocking in the rough shape of the model and make the first cuts toward shaping the head (Fig. 5C), defining the brow and nose outlines as obtained from view A-A in Fig. 2. Develop the head as shown in Fig. 6. Use the contour drawing (Fig. 7) as a guide for finał shaping of entire model. When carving the legs and feet, keep in mind that all cats walk, stand and sit with their toes pointing slightly outward. The forepaws have four toes plus a dew claw on the inside of each leg (see front view, Fig. 2). The hind feet have four toes, no dew claws.

When you’ve finished carying, give the model an oyerall sanding and finał shaping with #80 garnet (medium) paper and a finał smoothing with #150 garijet (fine) paper. Apply seyeral coats of sanding sealer to the model, sanding between coats, until all grain pores are filled. Keep all details, such as eyes, nose and mouth, sharply

Science and Mechanics



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