• •

NrfHcpp .



The mcm bers of the cdltońoJ board and wrttcrs ot «frtorta)s

lyrNgilHopft i jsrry    .nn/t lA/llli.Nm F Hnu/Arri --

Ellen Goodman





They’re what 75th is all about

The llfe stories of the three men chosen Twln Falla falhers of Ihe year read llke-a llvlng hlslorybook.

~WalteFRrPflebe, 99rEd'0!mstead,' 92 and

the wJldemess. But bccause of thelr charactcr and: concems; they-aspired tó-accompllsh

morę.    .    ______

Mr Prteberforlnstancc; was a businessman who also was a charter member of many

Otto Florence Sr., 91, were accordcd the xecognltlon Wedncaday-during downtown-7Sth—-communlty organlzotlons.-He started the flrst*

annlversary"festlvlUes._What':eaćh has ać-----flsh .hatchery-In Rock Creek Canyon.-Mr.-

compllshed — and contributed — to the Twln Olmstead started a ploneer.cattle fecdlng Falls -comrttlmltyIls»lnśpfrtńg." They hołd a operation and served on the Twln Falls school spec lal place ln out. hlstory and were partlcularly deservlng of thelr 7Sth annlversa-

ryselectlons. —---------------

These three gentlemen exempllfy the Pioneer splrit and resoIvc that mark the devel-opment of Idaho and the West. They have set ballmarks for our community, records of achlevement that should be emulated

boa raTCTTiawy^earsri^ began worklng for slaughter houses and butcher shops as a youngster, was a drlvlng forcc bchlnd Ihc success of the Independent Mcat Co.

They are three among many of our płoneer residents who are l!ving proof, of hard work and dedlcatlon to famlly, natlon and Ideals.

_ by

today*scitteens:...........■-—• Jpgether thelr llves total 232 ycars_of.

-Eadi carved outB-carecr andalWellhóbaih guishedendcavor.

~| James Kilpatrick

C Univmal Presa Syndlcate corporal'* guard of con*ervatlvc* had WASHINGTON —Tho flrst of the—iłlpped through tho liberał*' defense

and taken seat* as the Baltimore ©ondavc began. They were swifUy tdenUfied by the Washington Post o* "arch-conaeryaUyc*," and were routed borse. foot and drogoon*. t In the eolumn* jot the Post.* It goca wllhout aoylng. no liberał Is cvcr "arch." Only ćonsenratlves are "areh").    ..jł,!..-

—Du~PJC"ii50luUena    olttT

— «gntrw>r*a llttie flUCOSi wound Up in •j ... Baltimore latf weekend, preclaely nccordlng to plan. ”* • *—• -    ——

Flaico No. 2 will follow ln MInne opoli* Junc 19, Flaaco No. 3 ln Lo* Angeles ln July. When the charadcs are complete, $3.000,000 ln tox funds will have gurgled down the draln. Theae Ksu&y ezeretse* are known $jn HMarraoremicf* on


Familie*. T&y foTo^TS IM gwmr

■geoa-ately refłeet wlahc* of t>picol American familie*? dcslred



kepi an tedulger.t cyc upon the atole Drocccdlncs. A orofcsalonal atoff Ław

to the genteel tlrangulatlon of dissent.

The WUconain Hale Ccnfercnce on - Familie*,-hołd at Mad.son In -mld-Morcłi. provłded a model. The sponsor* thoughlfully schedułcd the vollng ecsalons on o Mcndny and Tucaday. thia ellmfcnailrig 90 pcrcent of thofic familie* whose breadwinner* have to go to work Uf Ihe momlng* •Professional    thaped



. wfatt^rgafHT^^ThcDOUgBTyhilderdasfrSomeorthe—warreiennmoTiypyHga

_ jn«n«1lng IcmakSJirougŁt!off thr I^IIMVMTId^#atar^hrig‘ Innocu:-Tnhirtgr fromeyrwllnCT* arrotmU


International Women'* Year The ou* — cotton candy resoluUon*. sptm JWY wouad.up-wUh-a-laundry Itst-cf—of good tetemiony. The"ICbStffllllvc~

liberał resoiutioo*. all of whlch couJd havc beea predlcted moaths. la odrance. ........—

And whaddya know? The Baltimore Confercnce wound ud wlth resolutlons

caJlng for raUBcHton of thc Ekjual__alate conteTcncetr Hero and there, a*

Rlght* AmenclmerJ. eliminatton of tn Ylrglala and Oklahomo, coa-dlscrlmlnation agalnst horDoaezuois, senratJyes stole on early morch on the nstlocal heaith Insurance, and abor- liberał* and monsfled to InfUlratc Ihc ttonondemind.    State ddcoations. Perceiyteg thls ef-

Anolhcr molutlon ómńnM a "«Uery. lite manipulator* and sUgę

guar*nte«S-annuaJ -»n<omo-for-poor—    —cvcnl3

(amUks. at o cnlnlmwn o( łlS.OOO a    “JS, ^ Ignore

A family consensus

C The Boston GhbeScwMngper Washington Post Wrl ter* 6 roup BALTIMORE - In Ma >»t Arkansas drowi, Jim Guy Tucker, cfcAlrman ot Ihc Whitc House Confer-cnoc on Familie*, began Ihc stery.of. the Gnali darter.

Not long aeo. he to!d the delcgatea. m great big dam was fceld up so that Karaifu). ki it bechanged cvcrybody could thlnk a wtille on the -In one wortahop - room -alter foto ot a llttie blUy snatl darter.    onother. pccolo of olmast all bock-

;Wc3.7tic'cocUlniJc<J. Gashlng cvcry grounds and poUUeal persuaslofis btt of dlmpled chann hc coufd muster, agreed on somethlng slmUar: the irw*~ćdUJd'doU for the”snaU dnrtcr. nc^rórMmcgovcrnmcn(rjppbrffor


ni the ccnfercr.Cc and rcmalncd ffea of support U anotłler person'* totally.polarizcd. I meon, ralher. the Kica of intruslon; one perserfs

Bblem in th» bule relaUonshlp_perccjiltt>nof gcmiincnccril&aaoUicr. wecneurpub!lcandprivatellvcs.    person1* pcrecpUon of dcpendcncy:—

At Uie cpenlng luncheon, Prwlicnl Connlc Marshncr. «ho organlzcd Carter tofd the ddegate* "Whcre the pn>famUy couc«hcrc,jflld_(hsł gmtrnmcnl tnvołvcmefll ls hdpfui; our nUHudcs Łoword govemn*nl

depend on how we read banan

naluro.'Sbc7eadsT,'as foTUbte:

let U be atrengthencd,_ Whert K i* Ot


ple don't*want*responslbUky. They wtlJ thlfl rcsponslbllity whcnevcr they caa They don*t want to lakę carc ot


we eon do H for the fomlly. He urged the ddegates to mspend the hoatutues that had mined thelr path to Baltimore and to Jawbone thelr way to a consensus.

The famlly. bowcvcr, otn't no snnil darter. Elght out of ten peoplc. nc-

farallłcs and the resentment other gOYcroroent lalnatons.

The most heated righl-wlcg peoplc. llke Cennie Morahner, cdJlor of the •'Family Protecticn Report," oasured «ople that Uicy were not opposed to

n her vtcw, then. the task of ptibllc poUcy lfl to keep peoplc, wUJy-nllly -Independent." Shc caOed Che support for govcmmcnt programs "Ured old liberał idea*." But oflen durlng thls confcrence, wo were offered o cholce bctwccn "Ured old liberał Idea*" of morę govcrrjnent help wlth "Ured old

peoplc that Ihcy

tli govenuncnl program* for the fam-

ccrding to the Gallup PolJ. *ay that Uy. The most ardent liberał*, llke cofisenfallve_ldeai'Uof-te**-gov thelr familie* are elthcr the "most" ._Martoo-Edelman-of*the*ChUdrcn’* ernment lnterver.Uon.

Dcfcrcc Fund, went out of thelr way The oonferct>cc_was_wclghted --

i^lhd^degit«^that"they, Bi Jhough not "stockcd" — wlth pro-Intcnoe cortng l*n’t the *tuff of co#h_ were aware of ihc limę* govemmcnl feulonals. Forty pereent of the ćde- -

' wa*guiiiyofocccsł—--- — fnia were In farnUy-ftioted-fiełda.

So there were a lot of prcdlctable famJy opal* in thls flr*l of throe. conference*. There was Ihc predJct-ablc dash on the floshpolr.t issues of the ERA. abortion and homosez-uolity. There wa* the prrdjctabte -

walkout of q portlon of lba.a>r^. .anda beglnnlngtoa^cw poUey fomiiy^ucus. predlciablyslaged tn—wotlld^SUpp^rt^OClAT^Sćcurily' front of the pre*s room. And there were the prcdlctoble crtes of politłca. proGarter and pro-Reagan, left and rldit.

But the most strlklng thlng that came out of thls confercnce wasn’t ln the S7 resolutlon* passed by G7I ddo-

£te*. It wa* In the one consensus that 1 cmcrgc by the Urna cyeryono was rcady to teave Baltimore: a eon-sensics on the term* of the problem.

.. I om not tal king about the "boi

tkf-Łbo:t:oa“dr hraocez-

lorSómosal argdy out of płocr

f 1

■The rl^il and the IcR overwhdrnlng AOd TotnUy appnn^ed raolutlaos ln whlch il wa* cA*y tó eee the diffchencc between go\aemmcnt support and govtmmcnt lotrusJoa. The majoilty called for an end to the marrlage toz.


pen* ton-fund ve*Ung for homemak-er*. They voted to oveihaul oaUonal bcaUh pollcy to proslde fundlng so that the elderly eon be carcd for at homc.

But In generał, phtlosophlcol tcrms, It wasn'1 that easy. The llnc betwcen "hdpfui" and "hormful" govemmcnt Idea* and pollcica ls bften du*lvc and hlgWyccntroverslaJ.

We dlffer In our bełlef* ln the amoucl.oi hdp.prepte-ncrd..in ibo.

ability of government to provlde that ■hefp. antrtaiłie nsuBOTÓm pg|55Y

No morę than one-thlntof the dd^ Ka te* came out of ■ a* cooiemM* poUUeal bockground. So It was not suprtslng that so many of the reaolu-Ucn* cailed for govcmmcnl fundlng.. tox-credit*, czcmption*. watchdog*.

—But-the-dcep-dM*loh-lh our *t-titudc* about govcmmcrt i* much doser than that voto Impiie*. We sec these things in double vl*ton. Our focus shlfl* wlth coch program, cach poHar. caęh turo of phrose. Famlly ha* slmply become a voloUlc word.

Carter told the group: "I want the. confercnce to be o catalyst for a ncw awarenc&s ln govcmmcnt of the Im-portance of familie* and for a period of tntense rca&scssment cf program*, -and pdldas^iFromhara.U iooka-llka-jw ha* tfoMm mnie than hn. wlthrd

resol utloo* were a dbtUIallon of every Lberal nootnim *ver ecncocted for o relief of reol or imaglnory soda! 112*.

Most of the de! ego'.es to the three tummer confcrence* were aamed at

the Wlseonsłn aifflir hnA-nru>*lUi\rv overtoocs One feature wa* a "Kłddy Kaucus," at whlch chCdrcn staged an tmpres*lve redtetlre. A leader asked. "Who are you?" The chlldrcn chontcd ln reply, *T am Ihc greatcstl" And. Wherc are you? "In the unWcrscl" Whcrc are you golr.g? "To bend bisiory I" Any chUd ovcr 12 wa* permitted (o particlpate fully ln the confercnce, andhod voUng nghts on theflocr.

It rhoy be a mlstakc — I am unccrtain — to dlgnlfy these non-by writtng about themrBut to Igr.ore them wodd be to condooc a

Confirmcd belief


— A cpeclol thonk* lo Ihooe who of-flrmcd thelr poaltivc belief ln the democrotlc scfcctioo proces* by vot-Ing la o conlcsted primary for thelr cholce rather than agalnst a dUItkcd condidote


dcscrtpUon wa* at 44$ 4th Avc. W. I Immcdiately went ovcr there and found thara wa* no ruch addrena. I om woodcrlng tf thls coli was a cruel hoaz. If not I hope to recelve another coli at 733-1*43 gjvlng the correct addrea* so I eon come and scc If the cotismlne.



—year-fora f*raBy    cl^ted.    imprei*ico that the Confercnce*

_ mol liliom wtre adopted-Most-of^^    m THBBlBB tniiy

them were whooped and holtered to npproval by overwhc!mlng votc*.

The BalUmcre Confcrence had bcen stacked, packed and rlgged to pro-duco these prepared affirmatlons. Fł-

The tactlc assured the promoters that wtiatercr mlght go owry ln a lew State confercnce*, the rcgicnal flas-cocs would st:ck to the prepackagcd ngendn. A National Advl*óry Com-

asco No. 2 and Fiasco No. 3[will follow jnKtcc.^«LjyhlcIullbcral*_oulnum| thcTdmlI5aIreript*rBy mlschance, a bertd conservallve* by 10 or 20 (o one.


bodlcs. They are not. They represent a shrUl mlnorily of soctal actlvl*ts who have ItUJc but contempt for the va!ues mo&t of u* assocJatc wlth "famlly." They are nmr.lng the three summer—sZłOwi^Lcl. us-hear- Uw


Dctects bias

applausc: Cap Gap. Gap.

Edltor. Times-New*: la the leUcr. "Protest Agalnst School Prayers," T-N, Junc 8.1 dctcct o notę of bla* ln llaklng reJlglon with the teachlngof morallty. Quotef "Re-r Juno 7r-a ^omancallod-to—tlgton lea góod tooHorteschtnggood that o cat answerlng hi* v». cvU and morał oUrtbutcs (ruics to

Edltor. Times-News:

On May 2! my bcaotlful and much toYcd tomcat disappcored. I ran aa od for a wcek wlth no resulU but on SaUirday, tell me

llvc by), but these teachlng* bciong ln the homc and in church. not ln publlc school." Morols are propenie*, not "attrlbutes ”-Kant was oo Improsscd wlUi the "Increaslng wondert' of the morał that hc had U ln the front rank wlth matter and cncrgy. Lcfs glvc booesty, purtty. and ccurtcsy equal timc wlth molion and substance, or the l-ture may lock bock oa u* as


. Quotc: "You are lcaving the door —opttLJor.your.chUd to-leam-rbelief _ you do not wi*h him lo havo.M Parents ought lo make suro they havc somethlng for the ehUd. The accterlon enclosure* that falllble humans try to make amount to nothlng. Faltb In Christ la v1tal (l.e., Ufo-g)vliig).

--RAYA7YOUNG—    -



-He waś offered money, but didn ’t keep ąuiet about it

CCfdcMaStmTtmaa (Flaki News Benice) — .^.WOJnany peoplc were shocked

lott week for effertng $1.000 to aa ant) KRA legislator to swltch hi* vote.

That someone would offer rocney to o poUUclan wa* not surprtslng bccause tt happea* aU the tfcne ln SprlnglkCd. The only lhlng~unujai] about It wai that aomoooe cocncctcd wlth a goody-coody areup such a* the National Organisatioa. for Women would bo oecueed.

—But what 1 fouad shockteg was that -An Illinois legislator would be oo uprthteal aa to report It to the authorUJes

money order* or credit canłs — cash Another nde —

ElUtUlUy yloloted — Is that If some-body U nlce enough to offer you seme mooey. cven If you turo It down, you keep your mouth ahut.

Nobody that I know can remem ber when somethlng llke that happencd before. — —- — — > —

"1 have never heard of a legtalator

acated psychologie*) probierni, such asbeinghoncat.

for tumlng it down. there Is no ezcusc to tattJe on the person who offered It to you

"For one thlng. H you blcw the whliUc on someone. then you are doting the door forever on the posil-bliny of his offertng somethlng cląc so mc day. That'* fooltsb; Why.ihcre mlght be a bill that you reałly want to vote for. So If you are offered a llttie

would tura someone In .that way will flirirrrr.nn rvf»r ł-ogota. AiaJ IfflJUuy.    hacToffered

>vur reason ts—tfwnduril If* Uke a man havlng o

blowlng the whistie on aomebody for

offertng hlm mooey." sald a politlcaJ ^.aondbtagiaybte fer łt. why^ot tako

opertUre who has* bero dolng bcsl -Dcss la year*.

"Suro, there may reason* for turalng down money iraabRjFsrajr


"Or you mlght not have sny morę room łefl ta your pocirt*. Or the offer mlght otfead .your.sens*-ef booor bccause li lsn't big enough. Or you nugfit ertn

H. sińce you were golrg lo vote for It


•Also. tt U tmfolr to your fellctw

woman arrated for cffcrlrg hlm klas."

A reporter who wo* ln Springflcld for many ycars says he. loo, cannot renember a legUtetcr ever tumlng aomcooe tn for effertng bim mooey. Or a goyemor. Or a bureaucrat

"As Jong as 1 was down there. no legislator cver complatned that he had bocn offered money. To the coo-. trary: SomcUmcs I would notlce some

hlm money. the other oldermen- would probahiy~begln' chantlngfTJbl est mea. ubl est mea." wtilch U Latln tor: "Wherc** mlnc. whcrCamlne?"

The man who madę the charge about the ERA brlbe U stale Rep Kord L. Swanstrom. R-Pocatenlco. and I thlnk he Is be Ing sUIy.

He says the woman who offered hlm the mooey senthlma notę wrtUen on o business cant She aliegcdly wrote that U-be would yote tor the Equal

ot them lookir.ę dcprrsscd._down in_v_RighU_Amcndment,- he would-be-

tho dumps, and I al way* assumed that tho day had gonc by and nobody had

, _ - -nec«s*aryvotes.

I don t know If the Jodicted.woman waa lrOuciwd by my o<jvlce. BuTI - had assumed that If uięy actually dJd buv volcs, they u-ould havc the sense to hire profcsslonals to do the Job and .DotlctanoYlcerunomok. *

There are many akillful. re)tobie.

»maUc, subtic dgarchompers know how to do these thtngrthc rlght way - wlth a wtnk, anod and a handahoke. Those klnd of men are so cAreful they don*t s!gn thelr

namestoOirtitmos cards J_“

One nnorobtóreaUoó:

be many valld leglslatere to soucal. Once you tura offered them anythteg1i7-Z^---

mrn money. For    >*1, hn    ---"lf rsuspccfeTthat a bili was bclng

^afnfld5tJar^ołrfi^Aay money to anyonc che. So It greased by money ..and asked one of

lsjust ocIOshness on your part. If you don't want the money, One. then doo't take IL But what rlght do you have to leopardiio the potratial earalng power o f other* ?

■AHeghlator wtsr

them about U. they would Just lock blankiy at me and tay: 'Money? What ls money?'M .

For that matter. I can't remember

gjYen a $1,000 campalgn contrtbuUoo

And the signed her name.~

• Wdh how can yw tura lnsbmelody wbolsdumbcnoughtoput anythtngln-

wxTUa£andalrahcrnaroe?_ __

Sewal EpA supporters h*vc blAmcd me for The lndiclment of that woman becauoe I have wił tlen many columns urglng the ERA suppdrters*

any poUtictAn ln Chicago or the restof    to stop wsstińg thelr mooey

the*-ztete-dcłr.g-tha! -H-# Chicago—puMlcftuand htyhaons, and tir



1 doo't know why RrarSwąn —would-mato-Bach-o-blOas about bełag Offered a $1,000 campalgn don--trlbution bysomoone^who u for KRA.-.. Jlc dldnt make a pocp wheabo Was offered, and nccepled, $1^00 . ln campalgn conlrlbutlons from the an-

. U-ERA rorccs. ...............

Or maybe he Uiougbt ihcy garc hlm the$1,800 bccause they lltodhlsblue -oy«?----—


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