.. the beglnning was cruclal. Survival was mora than a matter of plant-anlmal balartce and automailc gravlly."
WISH UPON A STAR-Haro Merril tum* hor compassionate eye on the problem* and Inner conllicls ol an adolescenl boy who has lived his llfe on a siar shlp commanded by womon.
THE IONELY - II wo praclico our ' Spaco Speech" and listen real hard — is Ihis Ihe sorl ol thlng we'r* poing lo hear?
iimiauu uiiflir
JUDITM WCRRIl has be«n wreng science fletieo for morę irun ?0 ysers; h«r Ural rtn«I SHAOOW ON THE HEARTH «as. dramatlMC on TV m ATOMIC ATTACK. Her wor* has apoeared In GALAKY SCIENCE F1CTION ASTOUNChNG SCIENCE ElC-TION. FANTASTIC UNIVERSE OUT OF BOU.NDS and In many orfer sc ence llctlon maoannos and anlholoęies Jodith Męrrii Is nonsaltnnl to the Spaced Out Ubrać, In Terenia