.. tha begtnnłng was cruclal. Survival was mora than a mallar of plant-anlmal balartce and aulomatlc gravlty."
WISH UPON A STAR-Horo Morril tum* hor compassionate eye on lho problem* and (nner eonłlicts ol an adolescenl boy who has llvsd his llfa on a siar shlp commanded by womon.
THE LONELY - II wo practice our "Spaco Speech” and listen roal hard — is this Ihe sorl ol Ihlng W8'ra going lo hear?
JUDITH WtRRIL nas be«n wr«Mg scterKO ncOco for mors IN*n JO r&r* lif*l no.*I 9MAOOW ON
THE HEARTH dramMItoc on TV at ATOMIC ATTACK. Me' wor* nas apoeared In GALAXY SCIENCE FtCTION. ASTOUNO>*Mł SCiENCC FlC-TłON. FANTASTłC UNIVERSE OUT OF B0UND8 and In many ornec scence łic;*on magarioos ard analogie* Jodllh Merrii i* consutnnl » lfv« Soacsd OunJt»arym Toronto
A>ra;<l tni tu* aayi CWfl Cal*