FICURE 16.1 (•> Snowtlałw oóubit a w*i* v*riety of pittrmi, all hexagoruJ and all rrtlecnng the interna! atrangemmc ot the hydtogen and oxygtn *tom>. (b) Oywal structura ot ice showmgjot-udifci rings tonwl by -ł water mełecuiea. |TH Gram. Ocan^nany. M «t. DryimoJ Gifft. U.;.
HmL frj. i-3*. p. 75.299iJ
(») Ovpr 50 ytart ago Swm geolocuo followed the tnmstormauon oi mowiLuo With trać. Thw sc^maicc show* mc ciodiiicanDn ot an onguul snowtlalte on the far iett to a piracie of gnomłar stów on the right. jZoays later. WRh mora unt the granuiarmow changes to pelletj of Sm « shown sn |b). Hm ewituajly changes to giaocr ice. ((bf Ponda Hcmyńut)
Figurę 18.4
{A) Conversion of snów to glaaer ice. (S) Thin slice of glacier ice in polarized light. In polanzed light. the coiors of ice grains vary depending on their crystaJIographic orientation. Photo by C. C. Płummof.