QHE QF THE BEST BOOKS QF THE YEAFT —Science Fiction Chronicie OflE QF THE BEST FIRST H0VELS QF THE YEAR" —LOCUS ' Somethmg nę.y ąng excitmg. .absoiutely first-rate,"
—The Cleveland Plam Dealer
Aiastair Reynoldss criticaliy acdaimed aebut Revelation Space. has rede-fmed the space opera with a staggermg /ourney across v,ast gulfs of time and space to confront the jery naturę of reality itseif.
Ninę hundred thousand years ago. something annihilated the Amarantin ciyilization just as it was on the verge of discovenng space flight. Now one scientist. Dan Syl/este. v/iil stop at nothing to soive the Amarantin riddie before ancient history repeats itseif. With no other resources at his dispos-ai. Syi /este forges a dangerous alliance with the cyborg crew of the starship nostalgia for Infimty But as he cioses in on the secret. a kiiier cioses m on him Because the Amarantin were destroyed for a reason—and if that rea-son is uncovered. the unr/erse—ano reality itseif—couid be irrevocabiy. aitered f
Pe/eiation Space deii.-ers tnę ooods. one of the most siomficant laroe-scaie eoics of the ■/ear." —Gary Wolfe. Locus
like thisOut There." —Stephen Ba/ter co-author of The Ught of Other Days