ROZ 5 ćw

ROZ 5 ćw


He's tali (alrnost 1 rnetre 90) and very well- bułki bullt. He's athletic, he has broad shoulder shoulders , a fiat stornach and rnusculararm arms . His legs are long and his teot feet are big (he takes a size 45 shoe). On his back he has a tatoo tattoo of a snake running all the way down frorn his neck to his waist. He has a tanned cornplexion - he loves sunbathing. He isn't particulariy good- looking - his face is covered with freckles and his ears stick out frorn the side of his head, but I find hirn guite appearanee attractive .


She has long curly fair hair and a beautiful face . Her eyes are big and blue with long black eyelashes . Her nose is srnall and cute like a button. She has a large mouth with cherry-red lips and white tooth teeth . Her skin is soft and pale (she always puts on sun crearn when she goes out). She hardly everwears make-up - just a little lipstick. She used to be a little overweight, but she went on a diet and now she's quite slim . She's in her etderty early twenties. She looks a bit teefc like the singer Hillary Duff.


He's middle -aged - in his late -forties, but he looks young younger than that. He only has a few wfikłes wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He's got dark, shoulder- length hair which is going gorgeous grey at the sides. He's losing a little hair at the top, but he isn't bald . He sornetirnes pulls his hair back into a ponytati pony -taił even though his wife says it looks silly. He had a fuli beard but he shaved it off and now he only has a moustache . He plays the guitar - he has rnuscular hands with long artistic fin§er fingers . There's a long red spiky scar on his fae* forehead just below the hairline so people sornetirnes cali hirn Harry Potter.


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