ROZ 2 ćw

ROZ 2 ćw

1 Jane's always in a good rnood.

2 Mark's fond of helping other people and he wouldn't hurt a fly.

3 John's afraid of rnaking a fool of hirnself so he doesn't go out rnuch.

4 Anna gets angry on with everyone and is keen on parties and going out.

5 Steven loses his temper very easily and gets into fights; he never runs away at from danger.

6 Eve can't stand getting up in the rnorning and guickiy gets fed up with cleaning her roorn

7 Mikę looks up to successful people. He wants to be like thern and is surę that one day he will be.

8 Jiil looks down on other people and laughs at their rnistakes and she never changes her rnind even if she's wrong.


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