

Unit 126 L Spójniki (2)

I    Przepisz zdania stosując podane spójniki oraz przyniotmki

1 As they are very obstinate. we won’t waste our time trying lo corwlnr.e Ihum

Sceing that..............................................................................................

• Gloria is very courteous. bul she can also be very unkind


:i l don't alłow my children lo go camping alone because lam afraid somelhing wrong might happen to them.

.........................................................In case ...................................................

•1 The detective looked very suspicious, bul he didn’t ask a single question.


5 Even though there is a slrong wind outside. we won’t give up going fishing.

Despite................................................................. .....................

f> Jefl runs a storę in Dublin and he also owns a smali shop in Dalkey


7    You will miss the best part ot the show if you don't come early enough

.................................................or else...................................................

8    11 she doesn't phone me tonight, I won*t ask her lor a dato any morę.


9.    However rich the people were, they never donaled any money to charity.


10.    Taking the man’s proper behaviour into account. the judge decided to reducci the penalty.

In view of ........................................................................................................

II    We have taken warm clothes as we're afraid the weather may get worse.

......................................................lest ...................................................

\Z However incompetem she was. the boss never agreed to fire her.

No matter.....................................................................................................

t Jake never suffers from high blood pressure even though he drinks five coltu"! a day.

In spite of......................................................................................

14 Even if I like having fun at the seaside. I haven’t had any tor ages.

Much as .........................................................................................

15. I had solved their problem bul limy rnluBod lo pay me monoy.

DotpMo......................i,,..................... ......................................

Inwersja czasownika

i Przepisz zdania stosując inwersję czasownika.

1    The captain didn't only receive a honorary award but he was also promotoi I liy the President h/mself.

Not only.......................................................................................................

2    We don’t ask the Council for their opinion very often.


3    Right after we had collected our salanes we went to buy furmture to our fiat

No sooner .......................................................................................................

4.    You shouldn’f ignore the officers' orders on any account.

On no account.................................................................................................

5.    If there had been morę time, morę people would have been rescued.


6.    Mr Trump didn’t know whether his child was a girl or a boy until his wite phoned him from hospita!

Not till ..............................................................................................................

7.    There was no other way we could make her stay but offer her morę money

Only by.............................................................................................................

3. This js the first time I have seen a structuro like this in my lite.


i Adam hardly ever forgots to walk tho dog in the morning.

Scarcely ever...................................................................................................

m As soon as we had returned from the trip we started planning another one.

Hardly ..............................................................................................................

t He only agreed to see me when I mentioned my father's name.

Only when........................................................................................................

1 You mustn't łorget about the appointment under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances.................................................................................

t t U you happen to find the girl’s phone number, let me know


i My husband seldom brings me łlowers.


' The woman knew very little about the matter you askecl about Llttle....................................................................................


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