

Unit 124 Zdania okolicznikowe czasu

I Połącz zdania stosując podane spójniki.

1. I will do my homework. Then. I will go to see my friends.

As soon as....................................................................................................

2 The visitors will arrive at noon. Betore that, we will prepare food and dnnks.


3. You will fimsh your work at five. I will watt till then. (TILL) 4 She will learn about your misbehaviour. Then, she will gel angry.


5.1 will write a statement. Then. I will hand it to him.


6.    He will come soon. Then. I will tell him the good news.


7.    The conference will finish at seven. I will wait till then. (UNTIL)

8. We'll have fimshed the operation In a few seconds. Then. the patient will 1>< wokon up.

The moment..........................................................................................

9 I will read the arlicle. Then. I will give it to you.


10.    First, the chairman will greet the audience. Then. you will dehver your sp« "


11.    She will cook dinner. Then. she will clean the house.


12.    He will come in a while. I will tell him about your request.

The minutę..........................................................................................

13.    The rain will subside soon. Then. we will continue our work.

As soon as ................................................................................ .....

14.    My favourite rock artist will start playing at ten, I will stay till then. (TIU )

15.    You will get better soon. Then. you will be takcn back home from hofipHni


| Unit 125 Spójniki (1)

I Przepisz zdania stosując podane spójniki oraz przymiotniki.

1. He spent a lot of tirne learning but he never got good marks at school

No matter.................................................................................................

I 2 Ronald is a skiiled sculptor. He can also paint beautifully.


:t. These shoes are rather costly. but demand for them is high.

Though ................................................................................................

•i Although we had smali savings, we decided to start butldmg a house

In spite of.............................................................................................

I * His offor is tempting. but I am not going to accept it

Even though.........................................................................................

(i We won't admit Mr Bead in our team because his experience is too poor


I / Although we all work efficiently, they never praise us.


It II you don’t stop spreading gossips. we’ll never talk to you again.

I. ......................................................or else...........................................

U I respect Mrs Dwight very much. but I don't always agree with her

Much as..................................................................................................

The competitor had a good knowledge of ancient history, ye? he didn’1 win U-u mnlrt prize.

Dospite ..................................

[. Wo'll walk with the torches tumed oft for fear that migh! see us


ł( you don'f return the books in time. the library will send you a rem indor

L , ...............................................otherwise.........................................

t vun though Mark works hard. his employer never gives him any bonusm.

I Mowcwer................................................................................................

’hn ttldofly lady would carry an electric paralyser as she was afraid somulmdy mHjbl imsault her.

fur fonr of..................................................................................................

Id npito of our offort. we havon't nuccoodad in findlng any clues or prooCn



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