

nit 124 /.(.lania okoliczni ko we (/.tou

'rtlijc/ /.dania stosując podano spójniki.

I will do my homework Then, I will go to see my friends.

Aw soon aa..................................................................................................

I tu» vinitors will arrive at noon. Beloro that. we will prepare tood and drinks

|| ............................................................................................

/•HI will llniah your work at five I will wait till then. (TILL)

will lonrn about your misbehaviour Then. she will get angry

Whon ....................................................................................

i w II wriUi « statoment Then, I will hand it to him.

Altar .................................................................................

I In will como soon. Then. I will tell him the good news.


I h< i ontnrence will finish at seven. I will wait till then. (UNTIL)

*    WoH hav<> llnished the operation In a few seconds. Then. the patiem will be wykon up.

Th® momont ................................................................................................

*j | will mml the article Then. I will give it to you

WINNI ................................................................................................

m i nnl, »hn ohalrman will greet the audience Then. you will deliver your speech

Maturo ....................................................................................................

11 tthn win r ook dmner. Then. she will clean the house.

Ahai ..........................................................................................................

i* will > orno m a while. I will tell him about your request.

IM# minut®.....................................................................................................

19 lli« rniii will 9ubside soon. Then. we will continue our work.

A*» tnon nn .....................................................................................................

•    *i M/ hmwrito rock arlist will starł playing at ten. I will stay tlił then. (TILL)

Vnu will got bettor soon. Then. you will be taken back home from nospitnl Irmnadlntnly    ................................................

l_unłl 12* I I Hprtlnłkl (1)_

I.    Przopitiz zdania stosując podane spójniki oraz przymiotniki.

1 He spent a lot of time leaming but he never got good marks at school No matter.........................................................................................................

2.    Ronald is a skilled sculptor. He can also pamt beautifully.

Besides ...........................................................................................................

3.    These shoes are rather costly. but demand for them is high.

Though ..........................................................................................

4.    Although we had smali savmgs. we decided to start building a houso In spite of

5.    His offer is tempting. but I am not going to accept it.

Even though...................................................................................................

6.    We won’t admit Mr Bead m our team because his experience is too poor.


7.    Although we all work efficiently, they never praise us.


8.    If you don't stop spreading gossips, we’ll never talk to you again.

.......................................................or else......................................................

9.    I respect Mrs Dwight very much, but I don't always agree with her

Much as .........................................................w..............................................

10. The competitor hac! a good knowledge ot ancient history. yet he dtón‘t win the mam pnze.


II.    We'll walk wlth the torches tumed oft tor tear that someone might see us.

.............................. .. lest....................

12.    If you don't return the books in time, the library will send you a remindor.

.................................................... otherwise...................................................

13.    Even though Mark works hard, his employer never gives him any bonuses.

However .........................................................................................................

14.    The elderly lady would carry an electric paralyser as she was afraid somebody might assaulł her.

For fear of.......................................................................................................

t& In spite of our effort. we haven’t succeeded in findmg any clues or proofs.

For oll...............................................................................................................

• • 4


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