

1 Unit 12n || lilimny, /ułiiff, ■immii. r

I 1'r/opift/ {danin stosując podana aldwa, niw rmianlając Ich poataol

1 My frłond smokes a lot ot cigarettes. (habltual)

V Havo you considered all the pros and cons ol the operation? (accounl)

3 The storm is likely to hit the coastline within the next three days. (probability;

*1 Why don't we stop workmg now° (cali)

5 ll is useless trying to repair the old water heater (point)

6.    The question of overdue bills appeared unexpectediy (blue)

7.    I support the Libera! Party m the elections. (tavour of)

8.    We weren't allowed to use any electrical devices in the hostel (permission)

9.    It was impossibie for us to reach the village on foot in two days (question)

10.    They say they believe in our chances of winnlng the gamę. (faith)

11.    Nobody ever treats me badly. (accustomed)

12.    The ceremony was postponed because there was an electricity shortage. (owing)

13.    We couldn’t continue repairing the roof as it started to ram heavily (prevented)

14.    What do you think of the suggestions Mrs Lark has madę? (vlewpoint)

15.    Our effort to win higher wages didn't bnng the expected result. (valn)

łj/ r W1 IM V , H    .11    « r

t Hr/npl*/ MlmtlH    podano słowa, nlo /mloniając ich postaci

i Romomber always to listen caretully to whal your teachers say. (altentlon)

'? The audience were amazed at the Italian violinist's performance, (storn*> śi Our supplies of petrol are diminishing. (short)

4    They madę me pay for the repair of the camera. (expense)

5    My younger sister is fond of sweets (liking)

We expect you to deliver an address at the Danquet. (supposed)

' Ali he does is complain about everything. (nothing) tt I felt helpłess with all the problems I had. (overcome)

o Don’t forget ihis kind of responsibility is very demanding (bear)

jsan met Helen in Tokyo completely by chance. (coincldence) le costs of bank services have gone up recently (Increasej >t>ody believed in the excuse the boy gave. (beyond) an says that playing squash gives him a lot of ploasure (delight)

10 boy escapes from lessons quite often. (truant)

irne of our clients said they didn*t like the guafity of our services (crlticnl ot»


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