oj' his particular eon dii Leming, Eycry attempt to describc the fighl is really an inlellectual and umotional rE:action, a. partialiŁed idea of Ihe tolal fight; in this cHHff, dcpending on ont:rs likee and dislike*, Fighling is not somotbiag dicrated by your eondilioning as a Korean martiaL ar list, a Chinose martial Kriifti, o i u, True observalion be gin a w hen deyoids of arl patterns, and f rei? dom of euprossion ocourj^s whon one iw boy on cl sywtcms.
One cannoL ujsipress hfmself fuJty and totally w hen one is imposed by a partial wet slructure or style. Combot 1las is" i* tolal (induding all MLhatis" as V/Cll as ''that is not"}, without ffworite J.inc:s or angit:a, ha.vi.ng no bouadaries rmd always frewh and alive; is never sol and enuslantly changing. Combat dofiniteiy mufti not be limited to your personal inclination, your physical
rnake-up, or your onviromnental conditioning--------alihough Lhese are ais o
purts of the total oombat. Sbould there bo any corifinement of any w ort, i hot is, set.t.i iŁg combat int.o a ehoiced muuld, t.hcrc \vill always be a resistanue of Ouc's set naLl.orit of irwhat sllOUid bo" as oppo&cd to the cver cbanging ,(whaL tsf|.
To set thc reccrd strais/ht, ] ł:avc NOT ir:vonted a nmv stylu, compoftite, modified or oihcrwise; tbat is, hol witMn distinct form nnd lav/s as a part frum "tbis11 etyle or "that” meihod, On the contr ary, I hopu to free my fo)lov/ors from ffHnging to styl os, patterns or monlds, So do re mem.be r that tlić term ,7o<?t Kunę Do is merely a name used, a minor ir whiob we sec oursolves.
Tbe name brand is notbing spoci al,
Josl what is a ulassical sLyle of marcini ari.? First and fnromost., we
musi rcali^e Ute fact thal mnn c.ruulcd stylos. Oisrt:gard tbo many fancy 'ni sicłrlcal originw of tbeir- founoers— - -by a wise onę.iunt monk, by spoci a I
;t:t:ssoilger in diM-ain^ irx a boly royC-lafion, ełc*-----a style sjiouio j.oyer bo
ihc gospel trutb, ibe 3aw« and princnplos of whicii can never t>o v'ioialod. Man„ 1.nt: !;u:twn bu Ing, is aTways mor O j mportant tban any style.