combat, and thcre are ir.a:iy master LaikerSj hut he cannot really t.cctii' ^To mrght cr-eate this law and that way, but thc studenta under him will merc-iy on conditioned and contr oll ud ralher :h*n freRinę thernselvc5 to bettcr wtists, 3tfcByjflOTX3rixsxiiji Lr. truth, tbey are b«ing encloseó within t.he systemPs linutation ••."liich is defir-itely less Irian tneir cjwn potenlial, Tlnw morę reatnc!.i\re a motfcod, the lesser tbe opportunity for or-e's iTidivióual Creedom of euprefesion.

An uxcellent instructor is aa excellent alhleto* 1 am .sur-e as he cch/ances in ago, he w i 11 be aL a disadva::tage wnlu a gc-oó yovng man. Ilcweyer., he has no excuse not \o be a superb artint among his t.'cntei;'-porariRS, physioally and An unfit and inactwe instructor migbt ba of help to the mediocre students, but be can nt?ver Li-uly feeltasai



Finaily, ł .TK'.^«t-    ;-.whn says JKD is oxcJusively JKD is simpiy fe noL ir,

with it. He is stilL ly.m^r up cn his welf-closing re^i-stance; in "his case, anchored down

to a reactionary patiem, and naturally ia still bound by anotbor mocufied pastem and

can oniy rr.ov« within ita Lirnits. Ile has not digested the a im ple fact that truth exi-*ns xhk

nutside of all mould.s and pattems. and awareness is never exclasivo. JKD is morely

a naroe usud, a boat to g«:t one across, and once acrossed, in to he diaearded, and not

,:_c i'. ---

to be carried nn one's back. Let me also say that tbese ii?’*- p&ragraphs we rr.creiy a t’;rigeT pointirig to che cnoon, Please do not take the fanger to be .he moan.


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