The Straps

&rce irwst redrtsces and rock straps are used » stiow oH a •fcund' object mafch rbg rech strap to the cb;ect (a tba t-est resutts The necttace sfould enhance ttie oveaH appoararee ot tte Snsbad pieca ard snaUd bo an riegra; pal ot ttie wtate Try tsing a varwty o> beads to do eacn and see tw# ?ie lock Charles drasticaly Note tho wamptes shorni Jhrogghou dis ch^ęjlef ot ho-/« ułing ditterent beacłs can gva you an ar wety drtewt bok

Simple Stringing


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buc «Mp    ?:X inccr$cn)t tm StorcfCj

Snpte stnngtag es mafenę a recklaoe tliat ś not fcead-wovwv It can ba ero or morę slrands, bet tho teads are siirpły tbrendcd on a sirand cr strands and -.tiarę is r» passmg ba* and fonti łircugh beads as in most bead weavx>g techr-łcjues.

Włten rnaking a neckiace m sJirpte yrngng, try to como up wfoh a pteaarg patter n ta- arranging tte Deads >n ycu’ necłdace It« also usuafly a gcc«J idea to use dilerem etfers and shapes ot oeads, dependng on what it is you

wt5h to Sl'OV» o*.

Sometimes, vtfiat c^tres your sirand is te nutróor ot beads you harre avatatte to use Uyou have fjsi ono typ? ot bead to use, te profctem * oasily sotved try doing a sirand in alt the same bead. Ot corso, thafs bcńng and merotonous. so strn-e tor Mo beads that go vrtth eadi other Thęn do a baste A-B-A-B pattem. or peitmips an AB-8 A patera o’ B AA B patiom Kec-p « mind trat even mo bead stranes can afce be mcrwlorcus unkrss te beads are my tfrtterent m sde or shape.

Try to .naw ai teay Ihree dntarenl teads to mato up a padem Ths afiom you » do 3 targar '/ariety ot partem*

Ike A B-C-B A or toc partems ot A-6 anc ten C. cr ary nutrber ot ditteront configirations

Having tcur or we beads to use, as >n tetwa phons at nght. m3śes ter a moro roeresting sirand. Ofcen. you can oso a simple bead parem br tbe upper parts ot your sirand (cose-r to me neck; urd rcorsperw the patlorn with '3'ger beads deser to your teal point.



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