The Tertiary, Pleistocene and recent forms due to the destructive action of rivers and denudation processes are indicated by the thickness of ruled signs, whereas forms whose origin is due to fluvial and denu-dational accumulation are indicated by spots of differing size.
We took great trouble to permit the characteristic features of relief and its development to be easily depictured and to be as much as possible clearly and plastically reproduced on the geomorphological map of Po-land.
These features failed on the provisional edition of maps (two colours only).
The detailed geomorphological map of Poland presents an exact pic-ture of the relief. It permits, therefore, the stages in the reliefs devel-opment and the role played by different agents to be reconstructed.
Furthermore, the map showing the distribution of all the forms of known dimensions, origin and age, allows the mutual relations and their regionalization to be established. It permits also the morphogenetical regions to be both delimited and characterized in detail. The geomorphological map enables the right development of regional studies to be carried out for comparison. Furthermore, it allows the forms which have been created, still come into existence and still develop in areas of similar geological structure under differing climatic conditions as well as in areas of a differing geological structure but under similar climatic conditions, to be compared.
The realization of the geomorphological survey in areas of differing geological structure under differing climatic conditions will allow the reliefs development and the rules of development to be recognized far morę exactly. Furthermore, maps performed in different areas will permit the forms of the same age (for instance, Holocene) to be compared both from a qualitative and a quantitative point of view. So the exact recog-nition of the role played by climatic conditions in the formation of the relief of the earth’s surface may be possible. The climatic relief types as well as the morphoclimatic zones and regions may be determined. It is beyond doubt the geomorphological map is of a great value for the development of geomorphology. Its lack stopped for a high degree that development.
The detailed geomorphological map meets also the requirements of practicians of the planning and economic institutions. Owing to the chro-nological — genetical classification, which allows the older and the younger forms to be distinguished, to their morphometric features (e.g., inclination) and to the great notice taken of the recent forms (and processes), as well as of their development and their further development’s tendencies the geomorphological map gives a complete picture of the relief necessary in economic purposes, as well as an exact information of the distribution of forms favourable and unfa-vourable to different types of economy.
In agriculture, for instance, it is not only necessary to know the generał character of the relief (distribution of elevations and hollows,