vii. Death due to or arising out of directly or indirecdy connected with war or war like
situations are excluded.
viii. The Claimant on Death of die primary Salary Account holder shall be:
a. The nominee, registered with the bank for the Salary SB account held in single name.
b. In case of accounts having morę dian one name, die surviving account holder/s would be die claimant(s)/beneficiaries for die purpose of insurance claim.
c. In cases other than (a) and (b) the claim shall be setded as per die procedurę of Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd. (RGICL). The identification of legał heirs and the authenticity of the claim would be the responsibility of RGICL.
ix. Pensioners of DSP, PMSP and ICGSP are not included under Free PAI Cover.
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