the leathcr clo« to the beads and ■ o* śni pwcc a» a tmiplatc to cut a piece out of the other piece 4ś Seather. Set ttldc.
tlie next two beads in the outer ring (either directioil will doi and eonie back
in Figurę 10-1.
headed collar r-v-» 15 and 26. u>c llic ~<łdł to make The colUr. i.i-błt tow wńh bron/e •>e d»i row wiih black •.he sbcfl t> foirly fiat. the m avct the top ol it.
gurpk 8" seed beads ęo .itnund The coll.ii arul ■t brotuc 11° seed K-.ids
: i cm around tbe lyiJed that In place betwcen the OUtude ring. lt will sit vu:«de ring, u *hown in
— rw tringe
lfcmg the needle out fiw bc-ads *rr>fn the bottom center and cen the two putple 5* seed beads that tnadc up the outsidc ot the bcadoJ center
2 Thread on beads in the see)ucnce ■ n.wn in Figurę 10-5 (A-A-A-F-C-
c-c-F-c c; <:-h b>.
f:pee 103
3 Brtng the thread arinutd the bottom bronce seed bead and pa.« back up through the strand, entering at the putple teardrop and continuiog to the top.
'be needle tluough the nexl putple 8- seed bcad of the ring where )OU began in step I.
3 Jteps 2 through -ł nilie morę limes, tor a tntal of 10 liottom fringe strands.
^)Hnng tlte throad out belween two beads in the outer ring. and striitgon one purple 8" seed bead ai>d one bronrc 11-seed bead.
the thread around the bonom
bronie seed bead and pass the needle back through the purple 8" bead and back into the ling. Take needle through
out ly.-tween łhose iwo beads, as shuwn
3 Kepeat aeps 6 and 7 around the ring. A nos pair should rest bcUseen oery two bends around the ring You haee madę picots.
Fot the back:
][ Glue the bekking to the Israded center piece.
2 '''hen dry, glue the larger lulf shell onto the leather backing.
3 "'hen slrv. glue the pin back onto the half-shcil, positioncd dightly ntore low.ird the top tlun at deadcenter
-> <0m:ix3(inm Erieti atechcn -> eOrtm x SCttm mB-thdl
•> Sijmihjijfjltlils tt-uolbtedt (Al
•> 2ęnrobum 1l**wU»C*(8l
> 3 tgjnr, cuipW bu
fłwdttWMO -> igrar bacł
-> l ętar. aura U’a»d:f3}i(Q
-> 20ticu*ónn
tcurd tas»J I«i55 |F) •> iCtr«vt*rm
> lOprpinrr.SrfiitkTni
mrltup trofc <H)
> Gstng.-ut -> 1'jtntaS
■> 2 2'/i yjiwtrr. buk le.ffw-» Dl>:kh>it*jBoiDnjd
> Sir? 10 nr 12
lirJilny r«de
Bead Key.........—
O *
O 8
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